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The Journey Begins Into
We are entering a very special time as we begin a new millennium. Many ancient writings, modern books, and web sites state that we are on the threshold of an era when the veils of forgetfulness will be parted one by one. Then our consciousness will expand to encompass the components of ourselves that have been repressed, ignored, and forgotten. If we could remember and be fully conscious of all the components of our true selves, we would be aware of the lessons and reasons for each of life’s challenges. The challenges would still exist, but the confusion and perhaps even the doubt, could be erased from our experiences.
The Unconscious Part I – Introduction and First Chakra
We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond. The surface of the pond is visible to our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have little awareness of what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond. Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond, but things of a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond. However, even the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.
The Unconscious Part III – The Behavior Door
Aberrant behavior based on fear and negativity sabotages dreams and aspirations. Our behavior mirrors our dark side. But how does a child know that they are bad if someone doesn’t tell them? How can a child learn to distinguish between good and bad if they are told that everything they do is bad? The unconscious memories of childhood’s painful situations bring forward the defense mechanisms that we created in our childish efforts to survive.
Being Conscious Part II – The Heart Chakra
As we expand our consciousness in our physical, third dimensional life, we receive more positive body sensations because we are no longer hiding from our thoughts and emotions. This communication between our conscious and unconscious selves gives us a sense of well-being. Our body feels better now, and we do not wish to taint that feeling with excesses of food, alcohol, or drugs. Our immune system is healthier because we no longer have the stress of sitting on a volcano of suppressed emotions and negative thoughts. This makes us feel more sociable and we seek the company of others.
Being Conscious Part VII – The Spiritual Guidance Door
More balanced thoughts and feelings bring about a sense of deserving that allows spiritual feelings of grace and joy to expand. Because we can now connect with our fourth dimensional self, our instincts are keener and our creativity and inspirations have increased.
The Superconscious Part VI – The Fulfillment
As the veils between the dimensions thin, so do the polarities and the many illusions of separation and limitation. If you can release these veils, you can release the polarities that created them to return, ascend, to the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond.
The Superconscious Part V – The Integration Process Part 2
Because the process of Integration is so massive, this Door is much larger than the others. No only will there be integration of what you first experienced in the Violet Temple in the Illumination Door, but you will also be called upon to integrate all that you have learned in the entire Unconscious and Conscious Sections.
The Superconscious Part V – The Integration Process Part 1
Because the process of Integration is so massive, this Door is much larger than the others. No only will there be integration of what you first experienced in the Violet Temple in the Illumination Door, but you will also be called upon to integrate all that you have learned in the entire Unconscious and Conscious Sections.
The Superconscious Part IV – The Illumination Door
We think that our mind rules our body, but what rules our mind? Usually it is our ego. From the perception of our ego, it is indeed our body that holds our mind. However, from the perception of our Soul, it is the Mind of Spirit that holds all our many bodies, both of clay and of light. In order to tap into this Multidimensional Mind, our Soul’s must be the Captain of our earth-vessel. Through our Soul we can tap into this Mind of Spirit to receive ILLUMINATION.
The Superconscious Part III – The Intuition Door
As Kundalini rises into our Brow Chakra, if not before, “past lives,” which are actually parallel lives in other space/time coordinates of third and fourth dimensional earth, came into our awareness. When Kundalini combines the essences of the sixth and seventh chakra to open our Third Eye, we begin to have experiences of realities in which we exist in the fifth dimension and beyond. When Kundalini combines the essences of the sixth and seventh chakra to open our Third Eye, we begin to have experiences of realities in which we exist in the fifth dimension and beyond.
The Superconscious Part II – The Earth Vessel Door
WELCOME TO THE FIRST DOOR OF THE SUPERCONSCIOUS As the first of the Violet Doors is opened to us, we begin to perceive ourselves in a different way. Whereas before we were physical beings moving through our physical reality, now we are more—much more. But what is this “more”? Yes, that is the question. It is behind the Violet Doors that we find that answer.
The Superconscious Part I – Introduction to the Superconscious
Through all time, seekers and mystics have asked this question: “What is the Superconscious?” For the purpose of this section, the Superconscious will be defined as our total consciousness that is aware of, and has mastery over, ALL the segments of our Being. In other words, the Superconscious is the SELF that encompasses all of our “selves.”
Being Conscious Part VI – The Dreams and Aspirations Door
Our sleep is more regular now and our dreaming more conscious. We may even have experiences of lucid dreaming in which we are awake inside our sleep. Since we have faced much of our dark side, our dreams have largely shifted from uncovering negative feelings to rehearsing our next move in our everyday life.
Being Conscious Part V – The Behavior Door: Maiden, Mother, Mentor, Father, Warrior, Sage
Our behaviors are based on emotional needs and mental forethought as our reactions evolve into responses. Behaviors that are consciously initiated and completed give our conscious mind clues as to our true goals and desires. We can then seek out what we really want rather than what we “should” want or what others want for us.
Being Conscious Part IV – The Brow Chakra
Our thoughts come into focus as our self-talk becomes conscious. This ability allows us to take responsibility for our thoughts, as we realize that we can choose which thoughts we allow to dwell in our minds. We learn that when we choose to think positive, our self-confidence grows and our thinking shifts from problem-oriented to solution-oriented. Old negative core beliefs break down, and we respond with new behavior rather than acting in old, habitual ways. When we are no longer victims, we can respond rather than react because we think before we speak or act.
Being Conscious Part III – The Throat Chakra
Our emotions create mental pictures that awaken our imagination and trigger memories that encourage further self-development. Positive emotions of love and well-being surface from behind our pain and fear, as feelings of empowerment override the sense of being a victim. Gradually, we begin to take responsibility for our life. As our consciousness expands, we observe our emotions as reactions to the external world and messages regarding the internal condition of our body and psyche. Love, more than fear, comes into our lives now, which allows us to experience our emotions, not as a limitation, but as a creative force.
The Conscious Part I – Introduction To Being Conscious
We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond. The surface of the pond is visible to our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have little awareness of what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond. Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond, but things of a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond. However, even the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.
The Unconscious Part V – The Spiritual Guidance Door
Spiritual guidance hears our call and surrounds us with its love. When we can no longer stand our fear and pain, we fall to our knees to ask for guidance. Then perhaps, if even for a moment, we can feel the long arm of love as it reaches through our fear and self-pity.
The Unconscious Part IV – The Dreams and Aspirations Door
Aborted dreams and aspirations bring us to such depths that, at last, we call for help. Our failed or forgotten goals reaffirm our sense of unworthiness and inability to succeed. Lost dreams and aspirations haunt our daytime and cause nightmares when we can finally sleep.
The Unconscious Part II – Second and Third Chakras
Repressed emotions create thoughts that are “unconscious.” Repressed emotions create thoughts that are “unconscious.” Emotions from our fourth dimensional astral body interface with our physical bodies via our hormones and biochemistry. Since these dark feelings cannot be accessed by our conscious mind, our body’s discomfort from keeping these secrets is projected to our consciousness as “dis-ease.”
Preparing for the Return: Arcturian Corridor – Part IV
The Arcturian Corridor is a tunnel of light, which serves as an inter-dimensional portal between the physical realms and the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond. Because of the Corridor’s close proximity to Arcturus, and the Arcturians’ ancient commitment to assist those on the Path of Ascension, the Arcturians have been chosen to be Gaia’s guardian during Her, and Her inhabitants’, transition through the fourth and into the fifth dimension and beyond. The citizens of Arcturus ascended beyond the third dimension eons ago. Since then, they have served as guardians to those who chose to follow the highest Path of Pure Consciousness and are now awakening to the many gifts of their true, Multidimensional SELF. Compilation of 2011.
The Journey Continues: Arcturian Corridor – Part III
The Arcturian Corridor is a tunnel of light, which serves as an inter-dimensional portal between the physical realms and the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond. Because of the Corridor’s close proximity to Arcturus, and the Arcturians’ ancient commitment to assist those on the Path of Ascension, the Arcturians have been chosen to be Gaia’s guardian during Her, and Her inhabitants’, transition through the fourth and into the fifth dimension and beyond. The citizens of Arcturus ascended beyond the third dimension eons ago. Since then, they have served as guardians to those who chose to follow the highest Path of Pure Consciousness and are now awakening to the many gifts of their true, Multidimensional SELF. June, 2010 – January, 2011.
The Journey Continues: Arcturian Corridor – Part II
The Arcturian Corridor is a tunnel of light, which serves as an inter-dimensional portal between the physical realms and the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond. Because of the Corridor’s close proximity to Arcturus, and the Arcturians’ ancient commitment to assist those on the Path of Ascension, the Arcturians have been chosen to be Gaia’s guardian during Her, and Her inhabitants’, transition through the fourth and into the fifth dimension and beyond. The citizens of Arcturus ascended beyond the third dimension eons ago. Since then, they have served as guardians to those who chose to follow the highest Path of Pure Consciousness and are now awakening to the many gifts of their true, Multidimensional SELF.
Journey Through the Arcturian Corridor – Part I
The Arcturian Corridor is a tunnel of light, which serves as an inter-dimensional portal between the physical realms and the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond. Because of the Corridor’s close proximity to Arcturus, and the Arcturians’ ancient commitment to assist those on the Path of Ascension, the Arcturians have been chosen to be Gaia’s guardian during Her, and Her inhabitants’, transition through the fourth and into the fifth dimension and beyond. The citizens of Arcturus ascended beyond the third dimension eons ago. Since then, they have served as guardians to those who chose to follow the highest Path of Pure Consciousness and are now awakening to the many gifts of their true, Multidimensional SELF.
ARCTURIAN TEACHINGS: Group Mind Connections
For the last several years Jefferson Viscardi, PhD, who lives in Brazil and I have been meeting on Skype to work on this book. Jefferson has been asking the Arcturians question, and I have been channeling the answer. We have greatly enjoyed this project and hope that you enjoy it, as well. If you have downloaded and/or read this in the past, you might want to do so again!