I, IlliaEm, resonate to the eighth through tenth dimension. However, in order for you to perceive me, I lovingly lower my essence to the highest vibration that you can consciously access at this moment in your Earth time. As you integrate more and more of your fifth dimensional SELVES, you will be able to consciously communicate with beings from higher and higher dimensions. Join me now, and I shall take you to communicate with your SELF that resides in the Great Central Sun.
Fall into me now, dear One, while we journey to the Great Central Sun. Feel yourself completely encircled by your fifth dimensional vibration so that you can make this journey while also maintaining your Earth consciousness. You are about to activate your personal merkaba. This merkaba has been waiting for you your entire incarnation, during which you have felt its presence. Unfortunately, the negativity of the third dimension may have caused you to interpret that presence as loneliness and depression instead of hope and reunion.
You have wished to return HOME, but you have not known where, or even what, HOME was. However, now you are able to recognize the call to HOME as a beacon, a homing beam, to allow you to reawaken and remember who you are. Your merkaba is the portion of you that remained awake, even though the rest of you slumbered. Now my dear, see your personal merkaba before you. It is two tetrahedrons connected by the two overlapping bases. The point of masculine polarity is the top tetrahedron, which faces toward the Great Central Sun. The point of feminine polarity is the bottom tetrahedron which faces toward dear Lady Gaia, the Earth.
As you feel your fifth dimensional self around you, you can see and feel my essence guiding you towards your merkaba, which is violet, pink and blue. As you come to your merkaba, you find that it has been inside of you all along, for it is a portion of you and you are a portion of it. You do not need a doorway because you enter this merkaba from the center of your being. As you move through the merkaba to find its center, you feel yourself enshrouded by a beautiful aquamarine color that soothes you and allows you to remember every incarnation you have lived upon the third dimension. From within your merkaba, you can merge with all the fragments of your total SELF. Feel the lesson that each life has brought you, and take a moment to heal them with your love force.
As you travel through you total Earth family of self, embrace each one. Do you see that one in the corner? That self believes that he or she is not good enough. Take a along moment to love this self deeply. Over there are three men who are warriors. They do not believe in Love. Go now to each of them and embrace then with your love. Feel how they wish to shun you. You are persistent, though, and you keep your resonance pure and filled with Unconditional Love.
Over there, is a woman who has used her feminine wiles to manipulate and control. Embrace her with your Unconditional Love and realize how you have raised her consciousness. Send a wave of Unconditional Love and unconditional forgiveness to each and every one of the incarnations that you have, and will have, upon beloved Terra. Feel the answer of their love in return.
Greetings, dear One,
I see that you are ready to resume your journey to the Great Central Sun. Enter your merkaba again. Feel the violet, pink and blue around you, while you allow the silver-touched aquamarine to engulf you. Imagine ALL your third dimensional realities around you. Within each of these realities, you were responsible for a certain area of Lady Gaia’s Earth. In every incarnation, you volunteered to love a certain portion of the Great Mother into Her purest state. This process is similar to being responsible for a portion of a road, or a garden besides a road. From within your merkaba you can see that there are many markers indicating how your higher dimensional work has become grounded upon the earth. You may also be aware of realities in which you were unable to remember, and carry out, your commitment to the planet. Take a moment to unconditionally love those realities, and the “you” that you were in that time and space.
It is time for your merkaba to take off now. Experience the sense of acceleration at the exact moment that there is also complete stillness. Feel how your “other lives” are now within you as you share the thrill of this journey with them. Be aware of how these other portions of you, and of the Mother, are joyous about their return journey. You are first raising your vibration beyond that of time and space. You are becoming a fifth dimensional Lightbody; however, you are a hybrid, part human and part Spirit. Stay in conscious connection with your physical self to ground your journey in the physical.
You are sitting in the center of your merkaba understanding how all your other third dimensional realities are now within you. Feel the Oneness. The merkaba appears to be empty except for yourself, but you can feel the consciousness of All That Is in you, over you, around you and through you. Take a long, slow breath. Do you feel how you breathe differently within your merkaba? That is because you are no longer breathing oxygen. You are breathing light. At first you breathe lower spectrum lights of a reddish hue. Then, as you become accustomed to the increased vibration, the colors of light move up the spectrum as your breath becomes calmer and you breathe in orange…
Then yellow…
Then green…
And, finally, blue…
When you reach the violet vibration, your breath is so calm and slow that you seem to be breathing not with just your lungs but with every molecule of your form.
Yes, your form is different, as it is a form of light. You are ALL Lightbody. You are a ray of light in the center of the merkaba filled with violet light.
You ARE the violet light.
You ARE the merkaba.
You ARE the journey to the Great Central Sun.
On the view screen before you, see the brilliant glow of the Great Central Sun. The CALL has sounded, for those who will take heed, to activate their merkaba and make the return journey into the Great Central Sun. There are thousands and thousands of merkaba which have taken this journey.
I AM IlliaEm,
I am pleased that you are ready to resume your journey. Perhaps you have heard that the Great Central Sun is the Alpha star, Alycone, in the star system Pleiades. It has even been said that your Sun is the eighth star of the Pleiades. Allow me to tell you a tale. You can ask your SELF if it is correct. I must ask you now to relax very deeply, for this story can only be understood by your deepest Soul Memory. When we of the higher vibrations communicate with our “grounded ones”, we must access the language system that is stored within their minds so that their physical consciousness can understand our message.
Communication with an Elohim, such as me, is instantaneous and encompasses a meaning that is beyond human words. Therefore, in order for our third dimensional ones to ground our messages in the heart of Gaia, they must first translate our communications into the language system of their environment. Please allow me to show you mental pictures of my explanation so that you can translate these visual images into your human language. As you communicate more and more with your Higher SELVES, you will become adept at this process of translation.
For the first picture of our story, see before you a beautiful shining star with six other stars around it. You are the eighth star which longs to join the others. There is a deep emotional connection to these stars. This emotional connection awakens a desire in you to play with them, to become one with them to, and to release the limitations of time and space so that you rejoin an ancient portion of you. Allow the picture to dim in your mind now. See in front of you a huge vortex of Light so strong that you can barely see it. You know only that it is swirling and that you are connecting with me, IlliaEm, as we enter the vortex.
Through the vortex we, you and I, have no form. We are cosmic specks within the swirling vortex of Light. We are very ancient and, therefore, we are one of the first segments of light to be cast into the lower dimensions for the experience of the third dimension. We are still without the consciousness of individuality. We are a portion of the whole which is expressing itself as a “microcosm” of the “macrocosm.” Within our component there is a core resonance. Even though the vibration of our light lowers as it gathers matter to create form, this core maintains its true vibration. Gradually, we begin to feel a density that is a totally novel experience.
This density, is the beginning component of a time/space continuum. This concept of time and space is what begins our experience of separation and limitation. As we grow into that experience, over “time,” certain portion of our selves find a specific “space” in which to resonant. Our entire group resonance is still in harmony, but there are harmonies, seven of them, that begin to separate and group together. There is one harmony, the eighth, which does not fit into the seven. We are that eight group, therefore, we find a space far, far away from the others, because we feel different.
However, we always remember the seven and begin to structure our experience upon that memory—seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days and seven nights. But we are the eighth. We are different, but we are also alike. We choose to experience the greatest diversities of the third dimension. We gather about us all that is different from our own galaxy and from other galaxies as well. One Cosmic Day, we will return to our source. When we have learned the third dimensional lesson of Unity in Diversity, we will return and consciously reunite with the higher vibrations that are our primary resonance.
Are you ready now to begin that reunion?
Begin by remembering the merkaba that surrounds you. You see the radiation of the violet, pink and blue light and hear the tones that both radiate from, and create, the colors of light. See the colors above the violet, and hear the tones that correlate with it. Inside your merkaba, you are living in a glow of aquamarine. The higher octave of this aquamarine has a sparkling, silver glow. Look again at the violet, pink, and blue. See how the colors change as the vibration of light reflection rises in vibration. They now shimmer with that same silvery glimmer. They are starlit color now, are they not?
Listen closely to the tones. Can you hear how they have changed, as their frequency moves above the human hearing range? As you follow the rising frequency of each color and tone, they offer you a path which you may follow. It is a pathway of light and sound. Your merkaba travels this path into the core of the Great Central Sun. Yes, it is INSIDE the Sun that consciousness has chosen to abide. From the core of the Central Sun, each life form can aid in the radiation of the Sun without being exposed to its emanation. It is the emanation of these rays that will be the fuel for your return journey. See the beaming colors of the Sun about you from within your merkaba. Hear the music of the spheres.
Mytria, your fifth dimensional Pleiadian guide is waiting to greet you. Mytria and you are ONE as there is NO separation on this dimension.
I see that you are ready to resume your journey.
Relax now and release all thoughts and feelings of your third dimensional world. Maintain an active awareness of its presence, however, so that your physical consciousness can join us on our adventure. Remember, you are not to leave your physical self. Instead, you are to use it as a grounding point, and a launching pad, for your merkaba’s inter-dimensional voyage.
As you may remember, our journey left off with you waiting in your merkaba just outside the Great Central Sun, Alycone. As you look through the view screen of your merkaba, you see the Great Central Sun and many other merkaba waiting, just as you are. Feel the essence of the Mother, Lady Gaia, for She is here, as well.
We are all ready to enter the core of the Great Central Sun. Do you remember how long, long ago, within the Now, we spun off from our Source to find our “time” and “place” in the lower worlds? Now, we have returned, and we are greatly expanded by our experiences. Yes, dear grounded one, feel that expansion within your consciousness. Feel how your heart radiates to the harmonic resonance of HOME, the Great Central Sun. This resonance expands your personal radiance, which has become “transpersonal.”
Feel how you have become a Unified Field of Light. You are breathing from the center of your heart chakra, which has expanded to encompass your throat chakra and your solar plexus chakra. Take a long breath of light, and feel how your heart chakra expands even more to encompass your third eye and your navel chakra. Then, with another breath of light, your heart chakra further expands to encompass your crown and your root chakra in a Unified Field of Light. Over, under, around and through, you are a Lightbody in a living, breathing Field of Light.
Observe how your light is a component of the light of All That Is. Hear how your personal tone is a component of the Music of the Spheres of All That Is. You are radiance, all of you, in the ever-present here and now. Your merkaba no longer holds a form, nor do you. You have returned to pure consciousness. You are again a speck of light, a microcosm of the macrocosm. Slowly now, return to a form, to my form, the form of an Elohim.
Feel me, IlliaEm, about you.
Feel my Wings of Light as they embrace you.
Feel the movement of my wings—our wings.
Feel the lightness of my body—our body.
Move through the community of the Great Central Sun, and see the many forms that those around you have chosen to wear in this reality. Every being has chosen their form much as you once chose to wear clothing on Earth. Observe the light essence contained within each “body.” Feel now the being of Mytria, added to your “being” of an Elohim. Be aware of how we are all of the Oness here, similar to fingers on the human hand. Sense your grounded self as well, holding your Light on the physical plane.
Become accustomed to your new multidimensional body. Expand it further into your sixth dimensional Possible Self, then your seventh dimensional Oversoul. Allow your parallel realities to enter into your multidimensionality. You are an Antarian who is seeking to regain your full awareness of your seventh dimensional self. In this reality, you are a warrior, a Priest or Priestess, a Parent. You are Orion and you feel like a lizard. Your skin is rough and your tongue is small and long. Your mind wants to conquer and possess. Love that portion of yourself. It is an experience. You are a being in the Triangulum Galaxy and you have three hearts, three hands and three feet. Your mind works only in geometric forms and symbols and there are many portions of yourself within you. You are a group of three.
Now, you remember Earth. You are a leaf that has just fallen and the Sun that has just risen. You are a brook and a roaring river. You are a pebble and a mountain, a flower and a tree. You are all of these and more. You are ALL, and ALL is you.
You are on Alycone, the Great Central Sun.
Take the memories of ALL that you have been,
and follow your Pleiadian Guide, Mytria, who will lead you into
The Violet Temple of Transmutation.
Now and Forever
We Loosen the Lever
To Pull Down the Stars
Into the Heart
So the Course
We May Chart
We wish to discover NOW the core of our essence,
which is our part of ALL that has been and will ALWAYS be.
This essence emanates the MISSION that has brought us here for
The Final Act of “The Grand Illusion.”
We feel our selves on the verge of the Unknown.
All that we have perceived as our self has become extinct, “out of date.”
What we once feared is now only a shadow, yet there is newness in life that threatens to ignite our “fear of the unknown.”
We do not experience fear in the same manner that we once did,
but it is there, awaiting our discovery.
This fear acts as a shell to protect the new, vulnerable embryo
as it grows deep inside of our essence.
Our true expression of SELF is not quite ready for birth,
but it is “time” NOW to prepare in earnest for
the NEW that is actually the ANCIENT.
Before entering the Violet Temple, we the Arcturians, would like to give you a message. You have made this journey into the Unknown and are about to enter The Violet Temple of Alycone, in the Great Central Sun.
As Earth reaches her ascension, we Arcturians are to be Her guardian. We have been chosen from the many who volunteered for this role, because we have the greatest ability to assist Gaia in the manifestation of Her Divine Plan—to be a planet of pure, Unconditional Love. Of course, other worlds will also be active in assisting Her. Among these are the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda and Antares. Antares, Sirius and Andromeda assist us in controlling the vortex into and out of earthly incarnations, while the Pleiades has offered to accept awakened ones into their Violet Temple of Transmutation. The Pleiadians have, also, long been very active in communication with the receptive grounded ones of Earth.
Remember, the key to your transformation into Lightbody is love, specifically love of your physical body. Your earth vessel allows you to have your earthly thoughts and to feel your earthly emotions. The most treasured of these earthly emotions are happiness and joy. Happiness is actually the result of your ability to combine your thoughts and feeling in a manner that calibrates your brainwaves to their highest possible frequency. When you become “unhappy,” you may think that it is an outside, or inside, reaction to something that has happened. However, actually what has happened is that you have fallen “out of calibration” with your higher brainwaves.
If you could face the same experience that made you unhappy, but keep yourself calibrated to the highest brainwaves, you would perceive the experience in a completely different manner. It would no longer be an event that made you unhappy, but a challenge which you could successfully process. You would know that you could productively face that challenge because you are calibrated to the brain waves that keep you in constant communication with your Soul. An experience that would devastate your third dimensional ego would be a mere challenge to your fifth dimensional Soul.
Consequently, we encourage you to find your highest carrier frequency at the beginning of each day and merge with your Soul, so that the pathway of communication between you and your Soul can remain open throughout your day. In this manner, you can keep your mental channel attuned to the fifth dimensional frequency. This fifth dimensional frequency, which is beyond the speed of light, but not beyond the speed of thought, cannot be clearly accessed unless your brain has been calibrated. Once calibrated, your brain is able to track your Soul’s vibration as it moves down from the higher frequencies of Spirit and into the lower frequencies of matter. In this manner, you can integrate “Spirit into Matter” in your daily conscious life.
This integration is the greatest service that anyone can offer, as it is the most effective process for raising the vibration of your self and of the planet. Also, in this manner, your physical earth-ship can be updated with the necessary “downloads” from the fifth dimensional world. This process is much like the “up-dates” that you download into your computer. However, if the computer is not “turned on” you will not know that a new up-date is ready for transmission.
If you will dedicate your self to this daily connection with your Higher Self, your bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts, will keep you informed regarding your super-conscious activities, as well as assist you in remembering your lessons in the Violet Temple. We are very pleased with your/our progress. We say your/our progress because you and we are ONE. We are all a portion of the greater SELF that has chosen to inhabit your clay earth-ship. We are your command-station; hence, we are invaluable to you.

Picture by Jan Custers — Jancusters@cs.com
Know that any feeling of “Homesickness” is actually a homing-beam that you can track to return Home in your consciousness. Follow this “Divine Discontent.” It is not an enemy to make you sad; it is a friend that will guide you Home. Remember, dear ones, you are all part of the ONE SELF. We surround you with our light so that you can release any experience that threatens to “let you down” and lower your consciousness. We support you in our Web of Life and promise you that we will NOT “let you down.” Know that your/our mission shall be completed. Each of you within our Web of Life represents the masculine energy of a Spiritual Warrior, as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess. Your male and female energies are blending now. This process shall continue until no separation is possible as, your body has been transformed into LIGHT.
Expand the conscious awareness of your corporeal body to embrace this feeling, as well as the light matrix of the Web of Life that we have created for you. Keep this matrix conscious throughout your day. See it now. See how it glimmers with many colored lights and embraces you with our love.
When you enter the Violet Flame of the Violet Temple, look up through the vortex at the top of the flame and you will see the Golden Path. In your consciousness, follow this Golden Path to the Bridge of Light. Stand beneath this Bridge and you will experience the Rain of Light as it falls upon you. Allow each drop to integrate into every cell and atom of your physical body. Carry this image with you throughout your day to assist you in feeling our Unconditional Love!
We direct you now to Mytria, who will be your Guide.
The Arcturians