Good morning dear ones. I AM Gaia.
What is the conscious mind?
How does one keep the mind conscious?
What is the mind conscious of?
These three questions determine the experience of life on earth chosen by each person. Yes, the experience is chosen, not assigned. Earth is a free-will planet. The reality that you live is the reality that you choose. The catch is that you cannot choose a reality that you cannot resonate to. In other words, if you want to choose a higher frequency reality, you must be able to raise your consciousness to that frequency. To raise your consciousness to a higher frequency, you must be able to release low-frequency emotions such as fear, anger and sorrow, and keep your mind free of any thoughts of victimization.
I, the Mother, realize that this can be an impossible task for many of my human inhabitants for their lives are so difficult that survival is their primary goal. And all that they can be conscious of is, “How will I survive this day?” Therefore it is left to my human inhabitants who feel powerful and secure enough within their everyday lives to make a connection with their true, multidimensional self. As always, with added power comes added responsibility.
The first responsibility of power is to release all feelings of victimization. I realize that many of you are doing so and have found that to release victimization, you must first release an anger that you did not even know you had. This anger is about all the injustices of life in the third dimension. However, this third dimensional world that you are angry with is a lower-frequency reality where there are, indeed, great injustices. I also resonate to a higher frequency, and as we work together to clear our dark side, our frequency will accelerate more and more.
In the higher frequencies of myself—planet Earth truth, justice and love reign. However, those who cannot live in 100% truth cannot maintain that vibration. In order for you to choose that reality, you must realize that the injustices that you have experienced are only within the reality which you have chosen to live in.
You may ask, “Why would I choose this reality?” You chose this reality because you had to spin out into your external world into your external world your low-frequency emotions and thoughts of victimization so that you could learn how to master them. There are many others who have chosen your reality, and it is through helping them that you have been often helped yourself.
For many of you, this is to be your final incarnation upon my physical Earth body. I am accelerating my resonate frequency, and you will be reborn on my higher frequency form. You, the you that is receiving this message, shall be the holder of all the “past lives”, parallel realities, and octaves of your beingness. In preparation for this momentous event, you must go into every reality in which you have left behind portions of your “self” and set them free. This inner activity will also be lived in some fashion in your outer, physical world, such as giving service in poverty areas or with other people in need. When you have freed the trapped portions of your self, you will find new ways to express your mission.
As you experience these changes in your life, you will not sense much loss because your new life will feel better. Again, it is through helping others of the lower frequency reality as the trapped components of your self that you well be able to heal your total self. When those portions of your consciousness are free, you will no longer need to have the experience of that reality.
You may also free your lowest frequency remnants by proxy through creative expression. In this manner, you can experience the immense hardships of those realities in your mind without that physical experience. Then, if you share your creative process with others, you can assist them in healing by proxy as well. Creative expression allows you to feel and express your negative thoughts and feelings without causing harm to anyone, or to your self. The darkness must be brought into the light to be exposed before it can be healed and balanced by the light.
For example, anger is an emotion that, if suppressed, causes erratic and unkind behaviors because it is so tempting to spin that anger out onto someone or something else. Then you do not need to do the work inside of your self and can instead have a “righteous battle” with someone else.
However, if you follow that track, you have returned to the very victimization that is the reason for your anger. The inner anger that created the outer experience of anger manifested because of all the “things” that you had wanted to have, achieve, or be. Now you must heal that anger and remember that it was an inherent portion of the reality in which you chose to live.
“But I was just a child”, you may say. It is true that children do not get to pick their reality. However, it is also true that your Soul chose that reality before you took your physical incarnation. From the perspective of the higher worlds, you often do not remember how easy it is to become so involved in the “movie” of third dimensional life.
From the position of the third dimension, where everything seems so real, it is easy to become trapped and forget your reason for incarnation. You then forget that your present reality is only a cosmic eye blink and that, within that eye blink, you may have chosen to find personal courage in the midst of a challenging situation. Then you may feel forced to give into the sense of victimization that is inherent in the lower frequency worlds.
The path to releasing your feelings of victimization is long and fraught with many detours. Just when you are sure that you are in control of your life, something will come up that can’t possibly be your doing. No, someone else is the creator of your problem. You have carefully checked all evidence and you are positive that this situation is NOT your creation.
But, did you check your own unconscious? Who is really running the shop? Is it your past and all the persons who have convinced you to live by their rules and their limitations? Or, is it your present and the person that you have become? OR, is it your Soul? Sometimes your ego may be forced into a difficult situation that it absolutely cannot solve so that it will surrender to Soul. Sometimes, it is your “reason for incarnation” to serve in a difficult social moment. Perhaps you volunteered to help in a situation that needed Lightworkers to balance the negativity.
Dear children, you have been striving long to expand your consciousness. Be kind to yourselves. We are all working together, you and I, Gaia, to heal our pain and balance our darkness with our light. As each of you citizens of Earth clear your personal auras, you contribute to clearing the aura of planet Earth. Through the difficult experiences that you choose, you are raising your consciousness and the consciousness of the planet.
You are ALL expanding into planetary consciousness now, which is why I can communicate with you. Soon, we will expand into galactic consciousness—TOGETHER.