Dear Ones, I am Gaia, returned to assist you in recalibrating another chakra. This time we are integrating your Third, Solar Plexus, Chakra. The Third Chakra represents your conscious AND unconscious thoughts, as well as the emotionally laced thoughts of others that you perceive via your fourth dimensional Astral Body. Thoughts, and the words and actions that are initiated by them, are the core of your Power: “I think, therefore I AM.”
The lesson of the Third Chakra teaches you that you must gain “Power Over” your unconscious ego/self in order to consciously live by the “Power Within” of your Soul/SELF. Once you have gained this “Soul Power,” you are no longer a victim to anyone else, your own unconscious thoughts and emotions, or the thoughts and emotions of others that you are “unconsciously” accepting into your Solar Plexus. Because of this, your Third Chakra represents the threshold between your “unconscious” and “conscious” realities.
When you have recalibrated your Third Chakra to accept, integrate, and use the higher frequency of your Soul/SELF, you will regain your Multidimensional Power Within. With Soul as the Captain of the lower chakras of your earth vessel, your true Essence, YOU, has set its roots deep into your unconscious self and into the foundation of your physical life. You have also regained the Power Within of your Soul and your multidimensional perception of the first through fourth dimensions.
There are ten petals in this chakra which, when spinning, appear as a vortex. In numerology, the number 10 is reduced to the number 1. Number one symbolizes the beginning—“In the beginning, was the word”—and every word begins with a thought. Even if the thought is unconscious, thought precedes words and actions. The power comes from making sure that these thoughts are conscious. The Third Chakra also represents your conscious, or unconscious, awareness of, and interaction with, the fourth dimensional Astral World. The third chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is located between the sternum and the navel.
I, Gaia, wish to commend you all for using your Power-Within to serve as “step-down-transformers.” Also, with your expanding consciousness you can receive the higher vibration of the fifth dimension and beyond and ground them into my body, Earth. In fact, all three of your lower chakras are your grounding chakras. Through these “lower chakras” you share your essence with me, the consciousness of Mother Earth. Simultaneously, I gladly share my Essence with you, the people of my planet.
In the First Chakra Meditation, you fully grounded your First Chakra to avoid being overwhelmed by the higher vibrations of your Soul/SELF. You then recalibrated your Second Chakra to accept your Soul/SELF who awakened your inner Divine Child, the keeper of your deepest memory of the Mission you volunteered to accept for this incarnation. Now you are ready to “re-calibrate” your Third Chakra so that you can integrate the Multidimensional Power-Within of your Soul into your mundane life.
The Third Chakra, which has always been used to navigate through the fourth dimension, will assist us in traveling through the ever-expanding fourth dimensional aspects of your ever-changing physical world. The slow moving illusions of the third dimension have been replaced with the speed-of-light illusions of the fourth dimension. There are some who still believe the physical world is unchanged. On the other hand, those who have experienced the higher dimensions will never again see their physical world in the same manner, for they have seen it through the Eyes of Soul. It is through your Eyes of Soul that you can perceive the multidimensional aspects of your everyday life.
Once you have taken the risk of expanding your consciousness beyond the confines of the third dimension, your perceptions expand as well, and your world is forever changed. This “extended perception” affords you great power and protection, because you are able to move into the detached perspective of the higher dimensions and observe your physical reality. In this manner, functioning purely from Soul, you return to the Sovereign SELF that you were before you logged onto the 3D Game. If you can continually surrender to the FLOW of your Soul/SELF, you can live in the constant understanding that EVERYTHING is ALWAYS perfect.
Each dimension, especially the third, fourth and fifth, has different Rules of Reality, which are the operating system for that reality. It is through the awareness of these “rules” that you can understand your Power-Within. The fourth dimension is ruled by the FLOW. In order to understand and navigate through the FLOW, you must surrender into it. On the other hand, the third dimension is based on the rules of extreme polarity, separation and limitation.
The physical plane is the schoolroom of life where you can learn the rules of cause and affect through confronting adversity. The polarity and separation of the third dimension allows you an opportunity to project a polarized aspect of your SELF onto a “separate” person. This separate person then becomes a friend (a projection of a part of yourself that you like) who will be on “your” team, or an enemy (a projection of a part of yourself you don’t like) who can be on the “other” team. Through the game of separation, the different teams try to limit each other’s behavior so that their team can win.
Physical reality is also separated into time and space. You must travel from “here” to “there” in order to share an experience with a “different” person or place. The travel time allows you to deeply experience the sense of separation from where you have been to prepare you for where you are going. You can even experience separation from your own consciousness, in that your conscious mind can appear to be separate from your unconscious or your superconscious mind. Also, all the different experiences that you have had over “time” are sequentially lined up in your memory by age. Age is a way to categorize the different experiences that you have had in your journey through life. In fact, even your life is separated into “this life,” “past lives” and “future lives.”
These rules bring comfort to the inhabitants of the third dimension. Comfort is greatly needed in the third dimension because of all the separation, limitation, enemies, and even friends that appear to be the cause of your fear. Death is often your greatest fear, as it is perceived as your ultimate separation from life. When you have the experience of “death,” your 3D belief is that you “separate” your Soul from your corporeal form and “travel” far away to Heaven—or Hell. This final separation creates much fear, as many in the third dimension feel separated from “God,” as he is far away—across space—in Heaven. Because of this they feel a great limitation in their ability to talk to Him, and the thought of “joining Him in Heaven” may, or may not, bring comfort.
Furthermore, third dimensional illusions state that when you live the polarity of “being good,” you will go to Heaven when you die as a reward for choosing an acceptable social model for behavior. However, if you choose the polarity of “being bad,” you will go to Hell and live with the Devil as a punishment for choosing to play with the “bad team.” However, what if you are secretly playing with the Bad Team, yet know how to convince others that you are on the Good Team? Will you go to Heaven? On the other hand, what if you have apparently chosen to play with the openly Bad Team but are really on the Good Team’s side? Will you go to Hell? Fortunately, the rules change when you “die” and go to the fourth dimension, or beyond.
Since my planet, Earth, is becoming more and more fourth dimensional, the rules of the third dimension are rapidly blending into the rules of the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension still has the illusion of separation, but the separation causes very little limitation, as you can change situations and locations with your thoughts and emotions, much as you do in your dreams.
In the fourth dimension, cause and effect are more immediate. You cannot fool others as you do in the third dimension, as your thoughts and feelings return to you in a manner that is evident to everyone, including yourselves. For example, if you were to call someone a Jackass, then you too would look like, and become, a Jackass. Anything you project “out” in the fourth dimension immediately returns “in” to the sender.
This return of your projections reminds you that you are NOT separate from your environment. The lower fourth dimension is still polarized, but the polarities are not stable and a man could turn into a woman, or light could turn into dark with a single thought. There are also wars that are “lost” or “won,” but they are fought with magic rather than weapons. However, as you rise into the upper levels of the fourth dimension, magic begins to feel like a manipulation.
Magic was something you did when you still believed in separation and limitation. Since you believed in the separation you felt you had to “DO” something in order to fulfill your desires. On the higher planes of the fourth dimension, you are remembering your Unity with all life. Hence you KNOW that “wanting” is an indication that you have forgotten that you always “have.”
The Third Chakra is used to navigate into and through the fourth dimension where you can more easily manifest your desires. Therefore, your Desire Body is associated with this chakra. Your Astral Body, also known as your Desire Body, or Dream Body, is innate to the fourth dimension. With your Desire Body, you can create a fourth dimensional light matrix for the reality you wish to experience. You can then ground that matrix in the third dimension with your thoughts and feelings, where it can be filled with the matter of the physical world.
As you re-calibrate your Third Chakra, you also ground and integrate your Desire/Astral Body into your Physical form. You can then use that Desire Body as an inner compass to guide you into and through the fourth dimensional FLOW. It is tempting to think of the FLOW as separate from you. Yet, in reality, NOTHING is separate from you! If we are to surrender to the FLOW of the fourth dimension, you will need to release old third dimensional belief patterns. Any belief in separation or polarity will confuse you and lower your resonance into the illusions upon which your physical reality is built. I, Gaia, am anxious for you to learn to live in the FLOW. It is in that manner that you can greatly assist me, in the recalibration of my chakras and the integration of my fifth/sixth dimensional frequencies. Yes, dear Keepers of the Land, as well as my dear Keepers of the Water, I, need your assistance.
What is the Flow?
The FLOW is the River of Spirit that moves over, under, around and through ALL life. The Flow is the grass that bends to the stormy wind and the stars that show the way across an angry sea. The FLOW is the dawn light and a gentle moonbeam. This River of Spirit is the Unity Consciousness of All That Is reminding us that we are NEVER alone and are ALWAYS guided from within. In reality, you ARE the Flow and, therefore, can never leave it. However, too often the illusions of your physical world create the fear that blocks your memory of that fact.
In order to “Surrender to the Flow,” you must LET GO. Primarily, you must let go of your oldest, third dimensional friend—fear. Fear is your friend in that it keeps you aware of any “bad” things that may happen. On the other hand, fear is your foe in that it lowers your resonance and keeps you trapped in illusion. To “let go” into the Flow, you will need to let go of fear. Letting go of fear is extremely difficult, as fear is one of your basic operating systems in the third dimension.
If you are to release one operating system, then you must be able to replace it with a new one. Fortunately, as your Soul becomes Captain of your earth vessel, the fifth/sixth dimensional operating system will automatically come “on-line.” In the third dimensional world, the polarity opposite fear is love. However, if you think in terms of oppositions, you trap your consciousness in third dimensional polarities. This paradox can cause much trouble for your ever-expanding consciousness. The solution to this quandary is to TRUST in the new Captain of your earth vessel, SOUL.
As you calibrate your Third Chakra to live in the Flow, you call upon the innocence and clarity of your Divine Child in the Second Chakra. Your Divine Child will answer your call and gladly assist you in grounding the fourth dimensional Flow through your Root Chakra and into my Earth. Your Divine Child has never left the flow and has spent your entire life in communion with the many life forms of the fourth dimension.
All you humans are Divine Children of the Father/Mother God/Goddess All That Is. You are ALL the manifestation of Spirit into Matter, just as I am. Your human self is composed of the Matter of the Mother and the Spirit of the Father. You are all participating in the third dimensional experiment of, “CAN Spirit stay ALIVE in Matter?” Each and every one of you must answer that question deep within your SELF. Once you can answer that question with a YES—YES Spirit is alive within my physical form, YES I AM the Divine Child, your third dimensional experiment is complete.
With this final unification of the polarities of Spirit and Matter—the 3D Game ends. The game ends because it is revealed as a game, an experiment, that each of us, including me, Gaia—body of Earth, decided to partake in long ago, before there was “time.” All you need “do” to live in the Flow is remember the connection to your Spirit SELF. Once you remember the Power-Within of your Spirit, you have Unity Consciousness with All That Is. It is that message from your SELF to your self that allows you to LIVE, evermore, IN THE FLOW.
I, Gaia, will now lead you in the meditation to calibrate your Third Chakra to filter-in the higher light of the fifth and sixth dimensions.
Close your eyes and focus your awareness on your solar plexus, which is just below your sternum and slightly to the left.
You will take three long, slow deep breaths to breathe yellow light into, and out of, your Third Chakra, your Solar Plexus,
Solar (of the Sun)
Plexus (structure of interlaced parts combined to create a network)
The network that creates your INNER SUN
For your first breath, INHALE the frequency of brilliant yellow light into your Solar Plexus.
Exhale this Light down through your Navel Chakra where the frequency of yellow light blends with the frequency of orange light of the Second Chakra.
Exhale this Light down through your Root Chakra where the frequency of yellow light blends with the frequency of red light of your First Chakra.
Exhale through the Root Chakra and down, down, into the Core of my planet.
With your second breath, INHALE up from my Core, through your Root, your Navel, your Solar Plexus and into your Heart.
Exhale the Blessing of Gaia’s Breath out through your Heart.
For your third breath, INHALE the frequency of green Light into your Heart and hold your breath as you transfer your breath down into your Solar Plexus.
Exhale slowly from your Solar Plexus, the blend of the frequency of green Light and the frequency of yellow Light.
In this manner, you blend the energy of your lower chakras with your Heart and with my heart, the Heart of Gaia.
Take a moment to visualize my Heart of Gaia connected to your Heart via your first, second and third chakras.
Feel the frequencies of the color green, in your heart and in mine, with the frequency of the colors red, orange and yellow in between the two hearts.
You have NOW blended your first three chakras with my Heart of Gaia and with your own Heart. You and I, Person and Planet, are now connected.
You are ready to begin your meditation.
You will now calibrate your Third Chakra to accept the Higher Light
and to activate your fifth and sixth dimensional Power-Within.
- Allow a picture to enter your consciousness of an area of your life where you feel, or have felt, POWER-WITHIN.
- How does your body feel?
- What emotions are you feeling?
- What thoughts are in your mind?
- Allow this Power-Within to send down a “tail” past your navel, through your root and deep into my Earth.
- As you travel back up from my core, connect this “tail” to your Kundalini in your First Chakra, your Divine Child in your Second Chakra, and the Power-Within of your Third Chakra.
- Visualize your Soul/SELF taking that “tail of Light” and connecting it into your Inner Sun, the NETWORK for your RADIANCE.
As your Soul/SELF plugs in the Light, your Soul steps into your SUN.
- As your Soul enters your Sun:
- Allow a picture to enter your consciousness of an area in your life where you feel that there is, or there was, POWER-OVER you?
- How does your body feel?
- What emotions are you feeling?
- What thoughts are in your mind?
- How does this Power-Over limit your behavior?
- What 3D illusions of separation and limitation trap you in this Power-Over situation?
- Feel the tension of these illusions in your body.
- Feel the tension of your emotions.
- Feel the tension of your thoughts.
Allow the POWER WITHIN of your Soul/SELF to:
SWEEP UP this wounded self and
FALL INTO the Flow.
Also, allow the Flow to FALL INTO you.
You have come to the current of the Flow believing it will cleanse you. The Flow looks like water, but it is actually light, Liquid Light. It has taken great courage for you to take this first step into the Flow, but now it will be simple. Won’t it?
All you have to do is relax into the Flow and release… but, release what? Perhaps you aren’t sure. Nonetheless, you settle into what you imagine must be the Flow. It is not physical, so you cannot be sure as you may not totally trust your intuitions. Pushing your doubt aside, you settle into the current of the Flow expecting it all to be easy.
However, as the Flow begins to pull old portions of yourself to the surface, another force counters it by pushing your secrets back into hiding. This force is resistance to change, resistance to the Truth. You can feel the Flow beginning to move through your body, releasing the stress and strain of many lifetimes. However, once again, there are places that are afraid of change—any change.
You feel nervous and uncomfortable, as part of you wants to come to the surface, while it also wants to stay hidden. You know that you have to participate in your own healing in order to allow the Flow into these hiding places of your powerless, wounded self.
What would be the sense in hiding, from your self, from others, from the Truth?
You have always sought the truth. Haven’t you? But what if the truth reveals something you don’t like, some aspect of your self, some emotion, or thought, that you are not really ready to confront?
You can feel the resistance. Can you also have the courage to feel what lay hidden behind this resistance? Can you allow yourself to even love the wounded self that hides behind it? Yes, only love, Unconditional Love of your own wounded self will give you the power to accept your resistance as a part of the change, accept that which you are resisting, and then to surrender it all to the Flow. What do you have to lose?
“You can lose sorrow,” says your heart as you allow the Flow to pull your sorrow to the surface.
“Yes,” you hear your thoughts say, “But first I know I will have to accept and love it. How can I accept sorrow? How can I love it?”
“Your sorrow has taught you to seek comfort,” murmurs the Flow.
You know that to be true. Can you take the risk of accepting an old enemy? Can you stop resisting your sorrow, love it free, and release it into the Flow? Years and lives of sorrow fill your memory until you have no choice. You can hold it no longer. You have to release it, forgive it, and love it. You have to love it free.
“I love you sorrow,” you cry into your heart. “You have taught me to seek comfort.”
With your words the sorrow leaves you. Your tears join the current of the Flow and float away. Comfort now lives in the place that was once filled with sorrow, comfort from the Power-Within that it took to release it. It worked. You loved your sorrow and surrendered it to the Flow. However, you know that there is more that you can lose. You listen for the next voice.
“You can lose confusion,” says the current as it travels in circles about you. Your thoughts swirl like a flooded river and you almost lose your footing. You will have to surrender to it, as you can no longer live with it. But what has confusion taught you?
“It has taught you to seek clarity,” speaks the voice that now seems to resonate inside of you.
Without the pent up sorrow you can listen more easily to me, your SELF, your Soul.
“I love you confusion,” you sing into your thoughts. “You have taught me to seek clarity.”
Because of your love and willingness to surrender, the confusion is washed from your thoughts. You find that you can more easily relax into the current of the Flow. It seems to have a direction now. At last!
“You can lose pain,” continues the Flow as it pushes against your body.
Yes pain, the sum-total of your inability to find happiness. You can lose that. But what has it taught you? Yes, you know.
“I love you pain, you have taught me to seek happiness,” you say as your arms embrace your body, protecting your wounded self.
Your body’s ego/self relaxes as lives of pain are pulled to the surface of your consciousness and released into the Flow. Your arms open now and float on the surface of the current, allowing your heart to release all its pain, as well.
“You can lose fear,” cries your entire being.
You know the answer and respond, “I love you fear. You have taught me to love,” you call to your fear as it floats down the Flow with the current.
Then, all that is left is LOVE and the Power-Within that you gained by surrendering to the Flow. However, one last question taunts your mind.
“What is the Flow?” you call into the very current that surrounds you.
“It is I,” answers your Soul. “I AM the Flow of your true SELF. Because you have Surrendered to me, we are now ONE.”
I NOW take ALL Power I have ever given to any
Person, place, situation or thing
And I hold that it WITHIN my SELF!
As you release ALL your tensions and illusions to your Soul, you remember:
The flower opened slowly
Because you thought it must
Your labors were so painful
Because they seemed unjust
The sky was dark and dreary,
For tears had blurred your sight.
But your Soul/SELF has returned,
And turned you towards the Light
You remember what your Soul has said,
When you could listen to its call,
“Come here, my dear, and listen,
and I will tell you all.
“You are creator of your life
in each and every way
by the actors you perform with,
and the dramas that you play.
“What moment are you choosing?
What torment are you losing?
“Open up your heart, my dear.
Fill it full of love, not fear.
“The journey is beginning.
Your freedom you are winning.
Live life in surrender;
allow me, your soul, to choose
While you walk the path of LOVE,
there is nothing you can lose.”
At last you know, you are aware,
you remember what you knew.
You welcome in a brand new life.
The old one is now through.
Laying Down the Matrix
Beloved and Powerful people of my planet,
You have now re-calibrated your Third Chakra to face any and EVERY person, place, situation or thing from the perspective of your POWER-WITHIN. Call upon the new Captain of your earth vessel, your Soul/SELF to assist you in REMEMBERING this fact. In the days ahead, many things will come to pass, and pass they will. In fact, as you have become translucent to the darkness and receptive to the light, the darkness will pass “through” you, while the light will pass “into” you.
You have calibrated your consciousness to the frequency which “filters out” the vibration formerly known as the “darkness,” and you have detached your attention from the battles and illusions around you. Now, all that remains is the Power of TRUTH that resonates from inside your SELF. The “outside world” is recognized as a reflection of your inner world cast upon the matrix of the third dimension.
You are a “Sovereign Being,” and the Source of the Reality that you share with the others who play on your “Stage of Life.” And yes, the drama of the third dimension has taken on epic proportions. However, just beyond the drama is the peace that you so dearly crave. You yearn to feel the soft morning breeze on your face and hear the chirp of the birds as they roost in the nearby tree of life. You wish to feel the peace of the warm sun, and the cool moon beams. Your greatest “desire” is to laugh, love and create. So, create that world, create it NOW!
Appreciate the 3D world that you are creating, for soon it will be transformed. Then ALL of you will remember why you came, what you are to “do” and how you are to “do” it. Idea by idea, step by step, you will walk your Path and lay down the matrix of transformation for OUR planet and for yourself. Then you ALL shall BE ONE with me, Gaia, and the solar system and stars shall be your family. Your consciousness is expanding far beyond the confines of your physical body, which is now perceived as the present third dimensional Grounding Point for your Soul/SELF.
Your Grounding Point is how you planted your Multidimensional Essence into my heart, the heart of Gaia, to share my reality and expand the Light of People and Planet joined into ONE. It is through the thoughts and desires of your Third Chakra that you find the Power-Within to complete your Mission. I remind you now to ground all three of your lower chakras into my Core. In this manner, you can bring down your greatest Power without harm to your earth vessel, as well as join your sweet Essence with mine, the Essence of Gaia.
I take this moment to thank you for forgoing your personal victories long enough to remember that we came here to participate in the Flow of Planetary Ascension together, as ONE BEING.
I now return you to the loving care of the Arcturians, who will present the next lesson in Blending Polarities.