Dear Human Ones,
We are the Keepers of the Water, returned for more communication. We wish you to know that we felt your response to our previous message, and we, in turn, wish to respond to you. In our Collective Consciousness we heard you say, “HOW? How do we rise above judgment to find the Center ‘in-between’ the polarities of our 3D illusions? HOW can we live in Detached Compassion and Unconditional Love when we see our world unraveling before us?”
Dear human ones, Keepers of the Land, we wish to salute those of you who are seeking to raise you consciousness and return to your Multidimensional SELF. At first, you may only be able to maintain a fifth/sixth dimensional consciousness for a few moments, or while you are in meditation. Then, as soon as you need to attend to a physical responsibility, you fall back into the Beta Brainwaves of 3D consciousness. Nonetheless, we commend you for you efforts and remind you to be patient.
Do you remember when you were a child? You could only stand for a few moments and would fall down when you tried to walk. Even so, with persistence and patience, you did learn to walk. Your consciousness is going through a similar transformation; first you crawl, and then you walk. Just as you can easily walk now, SOON, maintaining your fifth/sixth dimensional consciousness will be easy and natural.
The Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion that we spoke of are not ‘behaviors” that you must practice, attain, or remember. Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion occur naturally when your consciousness resonates to the fifth and sixth dimension. In preparation for the download and integration of your fifth/sixth dimensional Soul/SELF, you must expand your consciousness to include the fourth dimension.
Fourth dimensional consciousness allows you to be aware of, perceive, and participate with a reality that resonates ½ octave above the illusions and dramas of the physical world. From this perspective you can more easily realize that YOU are the creator of your reality. This realization urges you to make choices in your life that create a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Your fourth dimensional consciousness also allows you to liberate yourself from the illusions that humans are “better than” and “separate from” Gaia’s other inhabitants. When you no longer need to be “better than,” judgments and comparisons leave your awareness, which frees you from the fear that you aren’t “good enough.” With a higher consciousness, you are busy creating your reality and no longer have the “time” to worry about others’ opinions of you.
You realize that you also created the reality in which you are the “victim” of others’ judgments. If you created that reality, then YOU can change it as well. Also, now, that you are beginning to love yourself, you no longer care as much what “they” think, as you are listening to your own Inner Voice. “They” have a right to feel how “they” feel, as that is “their reality.” However, it is NOT “your reality.”
Your reality is one of awakening to your true, Multidimensional SELF. You are remembering how to see through your Eyes of Soul and live in Unity Consciousness. Through the Eyes of Soul you do not fear judgment from “others,” as there are no “others.” You know this to be true because, through the Eyes of Soul, you can see the finer particles of the LIFE that always connects everyone and everything.
Your Eyes of Soul are not only accessible through your opened Third Eye; they are also accessible through your opened Heart. In fact, Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion are fifth dimensional qualities that reside within your Heart. Once your Heart is opened, they simply FLOW out, like water flows from a stream. Furthermore, when you see through the Eyes of Soul, you no longer attend to polarities. Without the polarities of “you/me,” there is no judge and there is no victim. You are all ONE.
Perhaps, you have seen on your Internet how children are now being born with their fifth dimensional qualities fully awakened. You may wonder how we know of your Internet. We resonate to the Planetary Consciousness. Since we have not sacrificed our multidimensional perception, we are able to receive your thoughts and feelings through the ley lines of our planet Earth.
We, the Keepers of the Water, wish to form a Union with you, the Keepers of the Land. Since we can only speak from our Hearts, this union begins with the Opened-Hearted Awakened Ones. You see, dear humans, we communicate differently than you. Our brains are not polarized and separated into right brain and left brain. Instead, our brains are united, interactive units that serve as control stations, hubs for neural energy, and routing stations for the messages we receive from our Hearts.
We receive messages from our Planetary Consciousness when we are huddled in a starburst fashion at the bottom of the ocean. It is here that we are closest to Gaia, and it is through Gaia’s ley lines of Earth that we connect to the Planetary Consciousness. From our gathering place in the bottom of Gaia’s ocean, we are all ONE with the entire planet. There are many facts within this Unity that we wish to share with you. One of which is that we are NOT alone.
Our bipedal family from Sirius A once walked Earth’s land. In fact, most of our off-world kin from Sirius A and B, Arcturus, Antares, Pleiades and more, now inhabitant the higher dimensions of Earth. It is from these higher dimensions that they are serving to give life to Gaia‘s new, fifth-dimensional Earth. They are also preparing a way for our Planetary Ascension into that reality.
Many brave humans and cetaceans who lived their lives preparing for our planetary transition are now working in their Lightbodies along-side the off-worlders, Angels and Ascended Masters. This united group is the model for our impending reality in which all creatures—land, sea, sky, and ethers—live together in harmony and peace.
On New Earth, all wars are over. No longer do humans fight against Nature, against mammals or against other humans. We, the cetaceans, well understand the quest for domination that can plague a bipedal land dweller, as we walked the land long before the fall of Atlantis. We sought to “help” or “fight,” just like modern bipedals. We, too, suffered the delusions of grandeur that has haunted humanity. Fortunately, this cycle, the Age of Kali-Yuga, the “darkest night that is just before dawn,” is soon to close.
Humanity as it is today is the evolutionary result of millennia of “survival of the fittest.” What’s more, long before humanity was mature enough to have any control over their destiny, they were genetically manipulated to expedite their evolution. Fortunately, there are many of you who are now mature enough to have control over your own destiny to choose to Awaken to your Soul/SELF. With this Awakening, your undisciplined destructive force is being replaced with your true, loving, constructive force.
Because you Awakening Ones are finding the Inner Love and Comfort of your own Soul/SELF, you are remembering that fear only arises in a polarized reality ruled by the illusion of separation. As you return to your true cognition of Unity with all Life, there is NO separation. Hence, there is no need to have fear as a protection from “others,” as there are no “others.” You are all ONE. However, you must be patient, for in your many incarnations on Earth, fear was necessary to protect you from your many “enemies.”
We wish that you could huddle with us at the bottom of the sea. It is from there that the original blueprint of Gaia is imprinted in the soil. It is there that all the ones who live ½ octave above the mundane world can clearly communicate with us. We, the Keepers of the Water, find our haven deep, deep in the ocean. On the other hand, you, the Keepers of the Land, will find your haven high in the mountains, or in the wilds of nature where the land has remained relatively untouched by fear, anger and sorrow.
It is our responsibility as “The Keepers” to clear these wounds from Gaia’s land, water, atmosphere, and Her aura, the fourth dimensional Astral Plane. It is especially important that we clear the Lower Astral Plane in which all the “Fear for Survival” and “Fear of Death” awaits release. The Lower Astral Plane is the lowest vibration of the fourth dimension, which holds the invisible emanations of all the fear and negativity that is projected into it from the third dimensional, physical plane.
The Lower Astral Plane has been known to many humans as “Hell.” However, now that your consciousness has expanded, you realize that “Hell” is merely the emotional resonance of actions that were initiated on the physical plane. In addition, all the fear experienced while “dying” to the third dimensional world, settles in the Lower Astral Plane, which serves as a “Cosmic Dump.” This “Dump” is not a place. It is a frequency, a very low frequency, where all the fear, anger, sorrow and pain that was created on the Physical Plan waits to be “cleaned up.”
In turn, this lowest fourth dimensional frequency influences the third dimension by amplifying third dimensional fear, anger, pain and sorrow. This amplification of third dimensional patterns of negativity is known as the “Darkness,” or as your “Dark Side.” Remember, this Darkness is not a Source, instead it is an echo. It is true that discarnates and those with evil intent can ride this echo into the physical world. In order to clear our world of these dark forces and to facilitate our planetary ascension, we, The Keepers, are here to clear the Lower Astral Plane.
In order to do so, each of us is facing our own Inner Darkness and clearing it with the great healing force of Unconditional LOVE. Unconditional Love means that there is NO judgment or condition. Unconditional Love calls for Unconditional Acceptance and Unconditional Forgiveness. As one of your human avatars said at the moment of his death, “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
As we, the Keepers of the Water, clear Gaia’s waters and you, the Keepers of the Land, clear Gaia’s land with our Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness, more and more Tunnels of Light appear through Gaia’s Lower Astral Plane. These Tunnels allow the release of the old fears and restrictions and the entrance of the higher vibrational Light, as well as the transformation that this Light carries.
Once the majority of the Lower Astral Plane is cleared, the entire planet will make the ½ octave leap to the reality that the Awakened Ones are beginning to experience. However, there are those, mostly humans and laggard off-worlders, who wish to thwart this plan. They realize that in the New World they will no longer be rulers, as they have no taste for unity and peace. They enjoy their “Power Over” others and preoccupation with financial wealth and acquisition. They take pleasure in the 3D Game and have no desire to abandon it. Instead, they actually “feed” off your fear, as it gives them the addictive rush of “Power Over.”
It is vital that we, The Keepers, release all attachment to these lost ones. We need to see them as un-evolved children who are unable to embrace the Unity Consciousness of their adult SELF. Restraining your feelings of judgment and fear will be your hardest task. In spite of this, it is vital that you do so, for judgment creates separation, separation generates polarities, and polarities amplify fear.
Use these unconditional, fifth dimensional emotions to remain neutral in your interactions with the “sleeping ones.” Realize that children will be children, but YOU are an adult, your adult SELF. It is living on the razor’s edge to hold the realization of your nobility while maintaining humility and non-judgment. In fact, it is one of humanity’s greatest challenges to hold the position of Detached Compassion when you have been trained for thousands of lifetimes to either “help” or “fight.”
“Helping” and “fighting” are polarities of each other and force you into the 3D Game. Instead, you need to balance on the edge; one side says HELP, while the other side says FIGHT. Only on the EDGE, the peak, the IN-BETWEEN of the polarities, can you find the fulcrum where you can just BE,
BE Detached Compassion,
BE Unconditional Love.
From your landed places of serenity, or even deep within our waters if you wish, re-connect again with your fifth/sixth dimensional Detached Compassion and Unconditional Love. From this vibration, you are the “adults at the park” observing the “children playing in the sandbox.” To them, this sandbox is their entire world. However, to you, the sandbox is where the children play. Eventually, the “children” will be old enough that they will find the sandbox too limiting. Then they will look up for new adventures and find an expanding reality that is beyond their dreams.
Also, remember that everyone in the physical plane, human and non-human, is a fragment of their Soul. We all had to split off from our 5D Soul in order to enter the 3D Game. Therefore, as we, humans and non-humans, download and integrate our Multidimensional Soul/SELF into our 3D earth vessel, we pull ourselves out of the 3D Game. We can still interact with the Game, but we are no longer limited to it. Instead of us being inside the Game, the Game is inside of us.
We remind you that even the humans who are the most “lost,” your feared enemies or your most corrupted leaders, have a beautiful Soul. Their Souls have made a great sacrifice to play the part of the “villains” in this 3D Game, and it is their Souls who will assist them in releasing that “role,” not you. Dear helpers and healers, do not worry that you have lost your purpose, as there is still much for you to do. However, you will do it in a different fashion.
When you interact with others, it is your assignment to choose to look through the veils of 3D illusion, beyond the fear and into the Heart of their Soul. If you can connect to their Soul, you will create a “Moment of Awakening” in which they, too, can connect with their Soul. Then you back off. It is not your job to help or heal, as that is the “job” of their Soul. Your role is to merely assist them in connecting with their Soul/SELF. Once that connection is made, you can turn to assist others with their connections.
- Take a moment to imagine those that you feel a need to HELP.
- See, and then FEEL, their Soul within their Hearts.
- Now, connect with the Unconditional Love that you feel within YOUR own heart.
- From this connection, unite the Unconditional Love of Soul within your Heart with the Unconditional Love within their Heart.
- Then, Soul-to-Soul, commune in the sweet Unity of Soul’s Unconditional Love.
Do not speak of this, as your language is of the third dimension and will lower the vibration of this experience. Be with the image. Live with the image.
If all you do is connect Heart-to-Heart and Soul-to-Soul with another, you are giving them a great service and healing. Before you assist others, remember that first you need to feel YOUR Soul within YOUR Heart. Then, you can feel THEIR Soul within THEIR Heart.
Dear humans, before we end our message, we, The Keepers of the Waters, wish to commune Soul-to-Soul with you, The Keepers of the Land.
- Visualize us, the whales, gathered in a starburst fashion, head to head.
- Now, imagine yourself in your favorite place in nature.
- Hold the vision of us both, The Keepers of the Land and The Keepers of the Water, embracing dear Gaia with our Hearts and Souls.
- As those in the water go deeper in…in…in…into Gaia’s Core, those of the land go out…out…out… into the outermost edge of Gaia’s atmosphere/aura.
- Now, take a moment to feel the Unconditional Love of your Soul, and send that love to us, the cetaceans, as we do the same for you.
- You are the land. WE are the water. Together, we are the deepest depths and the highest peaks.
- From Gaia’s core we will send our Unconditional Love to you, while you send your Unconditional Love to us from the edges of Gaia’s atmosphere.
- Heart-to-Heart and Soul-to-Soul we join our Unconditional Love to infuse it into the Planetary Consciousness
- With our own, inner, Unconditional Love in the forefront of our minds, we will now take a long moment to share that Love with every element and dimension of our planet, Earth.
As we work together to love, heal and ascend our planet, we, the Keepers of Land and the Keepers of the Water, are united Heart-to-Heart and Soul-to-Soul in Unconditional Love.
We do not speak of this. We simply LIVE it.
Your partners,
The Whales
Dear humans,
We, the dolphins and porpoises, who also serve as Keepers of the Water, wish to join you in this great image. Whereas our kin, the Whales, are huge, solid and graceful, we are small, mobile and playful. They gather at the bottom of the sea, and we dance and play along its surface.
We have had many loving interactions with humans and are grateful to speak with you. Our human friends have learned to communicate with us, almost as if we are their pets, but they have not been able to allow us to communicate with them. Dear humans, we wish to tell you that we understand your language.
We see your thoughts and resonate to your hearts. We are not “pets” and live among you only because we choose to—and, we DO choose to! In fact, we have also been attempting to create the conscious partnership of Keeper of the Land and Keepers of the Water.
Just as you have communed with our brethren, the whales, Soul to Soul and Heart to Heart, take a moment now to connect with us. Immediately, you can feel how our Essence is different from the whales, yet connected in our dedication to ground the Higher Light in Gaia’s waters.
Please, look into your Heart to find your own Soul connection, as we look into our hearts to find our Soul connection. FEEL our resonance, FEEL how very similar we are to you. Like the whales, we are as intelligent and evolved as you land dwellers, in many ways more so. We have had more “time” on Gaia to evolve, and more millennia of experience to gain our Wisdom.
Perhaps, you, too, have had an incarnation or so as a dolphin. Search your memory to find your past relations with us. Because we are smaller than the whales, we can also travel Gaia’s inland waterways. There are many myths of how we dolphins can take a human form.
This has happened, of course, in the fourth dimension where all of our forms are more mutable. However, Gaia, is largely fourth dimensional now. Therefore, we ask that you address all “animals” in the same “Heart to Heart” and “Soul to Soul” manner that you address other humans.
You see, you are not the only species that is evolving. Other members of the Mammalian Kingdom are Awakening, as well as members of the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms.
We will return later to share more of this information with you. You can also ask us yourself, for we will lovingly respond to your call.
Your friends and partners,
the dolphins and whales,
Keepers of the Waters,
Thank YOU.