My dearest grounded ones, I AM Gaia, here to assist you. I wish to first remind you that energy is not fearful or loving. Energy IS. It is the thoughts and emotions of your third dimensional vibration that polarize energy into “fearful,” or “loving.” During your time of “End-Game,” you are awakening your Lightbody. Hence, your reality is filled with extreme polarities.
The very Higher Light that awakens your Lightbody, must first reveal and release old inner darkness that has hidden from your consciousness for many lifetimes. Therefore, we, my people as well as my planet, are experiencing the Higher Light of Unconditional Love, alongside the Darkness of Fear and Devastation. Death has always preceded birth. If the “old” does not die, then the “new” cannot be born.
It is through facing and loving your greatest darkness, that you can allow it to be released, die, so that your greatest Light can be exposed, born. You, dear people of my planet, have always been the vessels of great Light. It is just that lifetimes of living in a fearful, and often cruel, reality have muted your Light with the illusion of Darkness. Now, you can release this illusion of your own darkness and the stories that created it. Once your darkness is released, it will not serve as a magnet for more fearful stories, and it will be easier to align your human heart with your High Heart.
I, Gaia, will hold the banner of SELF for each of you. Truly I am your SELF, for in our joined resonance, there is no separation. Therefore, I am the SELF for everyone and everything on my planet. Yes, many objects that have been considered “things” in your world are Beings of Light in my world. Look around at the “things” in your life. Mountains, lakes, and forests are things to you, but in reality they are great Devas, highly evolved Elementals.
In fact, every plant and every animal is a Being. Even your homes, offices, cars and machines are Beings, as they have taken on some of your life force. You see, just as I share my life force with you, you are sharing your life force with your reality. Do you see how much Power you possess?
Now, use this Power to activate the imagination of your True SELF to see my True SELF. My true SELF, your true SELF, OUR true SELF will appear to your third dimensional eyes as a “thing,” a great star system in outer space. I/we can also create a form. If you wish, take a moment to create a form for me—for you. Now, using your imagination, see your human self in times when you were free of the belief in fear.
Perhaps you were a small child, in deep meditation, or in a moment of peak experience and you felt the joy of accomplishment.
Write these memories down.
You may be surprised to find that there are more of these moments than you thought.
As you write each moment, FEEL how it felt in your body and in your heart.
Feel your heart FREE of fear.
Listen to your mind FREE of limitations.
Now send these moments to me, Gaia, one by one.
Consult your list.
As you share these memories with me, listen for my return comment.
In all of these experiences the feeling of freedom pervades.
Remember this FREEDOM to BE your SELF.
Feel that feeling of Freedom in your Heart.
As you share these moments with me, feel my embrace as if it were a physical embrace of a loving Mother holding her cherished child.
Now, call upon OUR star system, the Pleiades, to encompass you in a huge canopy of stars that is descending from above.
This is the canopy that has ALWAYS surrounded your physical self, as well as your Spiritual SELF.
Look DOWN into the my heart, the Heart of Gaia,
while you also look UP into the Heart of the Pleiades, a cluster of bright stars.
Enter one cluster to find a Galaxy.
Enter that Galaxy and find the Central Sun.
Within that Central Sun is a portal, a living vortex, into FOREVER.
This Portal to FOREVER is the Portal to your High Heart.
This Portal is guarded by your Multidimensional SELF, the YOU that has your “head in the stars.”
Now, take a moment to also feel your “feet implanted on the ground,” the ground of my heart, the Heart of Gaia.
With your HEAD in the stars and your feet planted on the GROUND
OPEN your High HEART—the Heart of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF.
Feel the pull of the Portal welcoming your entry.
Like seaweed that has detached from the ocean floor, detach from the illusions of your 3D world and drift upwards toward the canopy of stars, the Portal to your High Heart.
Simultaneously, remain grounded in my heart, the Heart of Gaia.
Allow your Opened Heart to guide your consciousness as you drift through your star cluster, your Galaxy,
your Central Sun,
and into the Portal of your High Heart,
and into your Multidimensional SELF
the SELF that is also inside your earth vessel.
As you approach your SELF, you see a light brighter than your physical eyes could ever tolerate. This light is the:
Responsibility of Power,
the Power of Love
and the Knowing of Wisdom,
and Beyond…beyond what?
Strangely, you have no fear and no expectation.
Perhaps this is because you are surrounded by your SELF.
You glide through the portal to discover your true, formless nature.
You are a vibration, a speck of light.
You are a conception of the Source—an “immaculate conception.”
Your human self on third dimensional Earth has to stretch its imagination to embrace this experience. How will you share this experience with others? Words are too limiting, too concrete. You are beyond the limitation of definitions.
You are a feather in the wind, a spark separating from the flame, the breeze, the twinkling of a star. A “fantasy” is too small a concept to describe who you truly ARE.
Words restrict your existence. The solar winds are small compared to you. The Galaxy was a good idea that you have moved beyond. Long ago in the future, there was form. Form was an experience, an idea, a conception.
Your long journey is nearing its completion, though you know that it will never be complete, as it is infinite. You are an Infinite Being, temporality expressing yourself in a finite form.
You feel the pull of your physical form, the finite you who imagined this experience. Or, perhaps, it is the infinite YOU who imagined your finite experience.
Slowly you return to your awareness of the third dimension.
Your emotions are the first to greet you.
Your emotional world has been a paradox of conflict.
Will your emotions FEEL different now that you have experienced your formless SELF?
Your consciousness has always vibrated far beyond the spectrum of your human form, which created a gap between your consciousness and your physical vessel. This “gap” made it difficult for you to stay grounded, and the lack of adequate grounding made you feel fatigued.
This vibratory “gap” between your self and your SELF is also between your Human Heart Chakra and your High Heart Chakra. When you connect your personal heart to your High Heart, you are also connecting your self to your SELF and your personal heartbeat to the heartbeat of All That Is.
I, Gaia, will assist you with this connection.
You will begin by consciously creating a matrix with one of your 3D holograms. Many of you are still unaware that you create 3D holograms throughout your physical life, because this creation is “unconscious” to your mundane mind.
Now I will ask you to consciously create a hologram of a matrix that looks much like a bridge. Once the matrix is complete, you will attach light to it in order to give it life. Your thoughts and words create the matrix, which is the skeleton of the form, and the emotion of Compassionate Love gives that form life.
Visualize your bridge, with one end at your human heart, and the other end at your High Heart.
Your High Heart readily accepts this connection, but your human heart may reject it, as it attached, instead, to your ego. Since your human heart views reality through the “eyes of ego,” it is easily attached to the 3D illusions. These illusions often frighten your ego. Then, in an effort to protect you, your ego closes your human heart.
Take a moment now to recalibrate your human heart to accept the connection to this bridge, the Rainbow Bridge.
In order to connect your human heart to the High Heart,
you will have to disconnect it from your ego and allow your Soul to enter it.
Find the place in your human heart where you have calibrated yourself
to see through the eyes of your wounded and fearful ego.
Yes, you see that place now.
It looks much like the junction of two old fashioned railroad tracks.
One “track” is connected to your ego.
The other “track” is connected your Soul.
The ego’s track leads down into the illusions and dramas of the physical world. The Soul’s track leads up into the peace and calm of the higher dimensions.
Do you see how your ego’s “track” has been opened,
while your Soul’s “track” has been closed?
At this “junction” where your human heart is connected to your wounded ego
is a lever that can be pulled to change tracks.
In order to close ego’s track and open Soul’s track,
you must pull the lever towards you.
Put your imaginary hand on the imaginary lever and pull it towards you,
towards LIFE and towards LOVE.
It may be difficult to pull at first as old fears come to the surface to weaken you. But NO, you will not be stopped!!
Pull the lever NOW.
Close off your ego’s perceptions of fear!
Open up to the Compassion of your SELF!
As you pull the lever, the fears and dramas of your ego fade.
Now, feel the Unconditional Love,
Unconditional Forgiveness
and Unconditional Acceptance
streaming from your High Heart.
Feel these higher qualities as they bask your human heart in
Revel in the FLOW of Compassion for your past suffering and for the suffering of your world.
This Compassion allows your Bridge to easily connect to your human heart, forming a bridge between your human heart and your High Heart.
It is the Essence of Compassion that will maintain this connection. Once you can feel Compassion for your self, you can feel Compassion for ALL.
“I integrate and radiate my true Essence of Compassion.”
Breathing with Gaia
Now that you have experienced yourself as formless, you can more easily experience yourself as the planet. You are Gaia, for you and I are ONE. I, Gaia, am a living Being, not a “thing,” and I breathe, just as you breathe. Now that your energy is projected out from your High Heart, you can also project your breath out from the Unity of person and planet.
To begin, align your Crown Chakra with the Great Central Sun and your Root Chakra, with the Heart of Gaia in the core of Mother Earth. When breathing as a Planet it is best for each in-breath and out-breath to be through your nostrils. When you breathe primarily through your nostrils, it is easier to be PRESENT with your breath.
When you are PRESENT, your breath slows down, becomes longer and more refined, which makes it easier to breathe in even more prana. The increased prana, which is integrated into you and I, Gaia, expands our electro-magnetic fields and raises the vibration of OUR planet and ALL its inhabitants.
Dear People, allow me to show you how to “Breathe with Gaia.”
To begin, visualize yourself as Earth.
YOU are the planet and the PLANET is you.
Together we are ONE Being, just as we were before we joined the 3D Game.
Together, WE are the first, second, third and fourth dimensional beings
that make up our glorious, multidimensional planet, Earth.
FEEL your planetary body around you,
just as you FEEL your personal body around you.
WE are the EARTH!
We will breathe-IN through our North Pole,
And breathe-OUT through our South Pole.
With each in-breath, we pull in the new life and knowledge
that is embedded in the photons of the Central Sun.
With each out-breath, we release the old through our South Pole.
Each release through our South Pole
supports the FLOW from our Central Sun into our North Pole.
We are now breathing, not only for our self, but for our room, our building, our city, our state, our nation, our continent, our hemisphere, our planet.
As we stay PRESENT with our breath,
we experience how our personal/planetary Light animates all that it touches
and flushes the darkness from its hiding places.
Remember to breathe OUT this darkness through our South Pole
to allow a greater inflow of Light from our North Pole.
As we focus on this breathing, our physical body relaxes
and our consciousness moves from Beta Waves—to—Alpha Waves.
Our Alpha Wave consciousness allows our personal/planetary, cells, to resonate to the increased charge of each breath.
With each breath our personal/planetary Emotional Body
becomes more clear, fluid, and harmonious,
as our emotions becomes our waters.
This clarity allows us to expand and intensify our inner focus,
and shift from Alpha Waves—to—Theta Waves.
Theta Wave Consciousness allows our personal/planetary Mental Body
to become collected, peaceful and focused,
as our thoughts become our sky.
Our inner world expands to encompass our outer world.
With our outer world being a reflection of our inner world,
our consciousness gradually shifts from Theta Waves—to—Delta Waves.
Delta Wave Consciousness activates our Spiritual Bodies
to expand and reinforce our Rainbow Bridge to fully accept our High Heart.
Return to the Central Sun of our Galactic Self to find the Portal of our High Heart.
As we enter the Portal, we feel a rush of Universal Energy
as we bask in the bliss of Union with All That Is.
Thank you, dear people of OUR planet, Since the Heart Chakra is the Great Integrator, I, Gaia, will lead you in the Invocation of Unified Chakras…