When we accept the Call to Awaken, the multidimensional light of our true SELF begins to take residence in our physical body. This higher frequency light of our SELF moves into our chakras and causes them to spin faster. The accelerated spin then creates a centrifugal force, which clears each chakra by spinning out lower frequency physical and psychic toxins that have become trapped in our body, mind, emotions and behaviors.
As each chakra is cleared of toxins, the life-long patterns of fear and beliefs in limitation, separation, and unworthiness are released from our body and our deep unconscious. As these patterns and beliefs are released, they played out in our body as illness and/or pain and in our life as behaviors and problems. Fortunately, as these lower frequency expressions of our ego/self are released, we can begin to embrace the higher frequencies of our Soul/SELF.
Our ego/self functions from the self-image that our past has created, as well as the self-image that we have accepted from others. Once we have begun this process of balancing and healing our body, our emotions, our thoughts and our behaviors, we can learn to accept who we are and not whom we think we should be. Therefore, it is important that we observe our body, thoughts, emotions and behaviors, so that we can consciously participate in our process of Awakening.
If we deny the pain of both the past and the present, we become locked into unconscious reactions to life, as we are still operating under the influence of our ego rather than our SELF. On the other hand, when we are able to consciously observe the effects of these old beliefs and pattern in our body and in our life, we can call upon our SELF to assist us in releasing them.
Once we can reveal, heal and release our old patterns, the echoes of the past will no longer haunt us and cause us to react inappropriately. If we can observe our behavior, we can begin to understand the unconscious motivation behind it. Often it is only through our behavior, and through our “failures,” that we are able to flush out and heal old pain and fear.
This personal history of awakening is offered as a case study for others to better understand how behavior and our life can tell us the truths that our minds and emotions cannot. This journey is presented in seven steps, with each step representing the sequential clearing of the chakras. I invite you to take these steps with me, as we ascend:
The Seven Steps of Becoming Your Self