We the Angels of your inner world, welcome you into our presence.
We have waited many long eons for you to realize our presence. We have dearly missed our brothers and sisters and we rejoice that NOW, more and more, the faces of humanity are able to consciously acknowledge our presence.
Artists, musicians, poets and mystics have kept the relationship open over the ages. Now we are beginning to hear the calls of all humanity. You see, as each of you begin your return arch Home into the bosom of God/Goddess, you are able to communicate with us, your inner guides. We have been called by many different names, but it matters not, as long as the call is made in love.
Love is the frequency which can carry any message to us because it is the Fundamental Frequency of ALL evolutions. After the fall of Atlantis, it became evident that humankind was unable, in its regressed infant state, to carry his balance of the Great Trinity: Wisdom, Power and Love. Therefore, our separate evolutionary cycles split further and further.
We, the members of the Angelic kingdom, held the banner of Love; humankind held the banner of Wisdom, and the Source held the banner of Power. Now as we are ALL evolving and rising into the higher expressions of our SELF, Angels and Humanity can join our One Source to become the Three Fold Flame of Creation; Wisdom and Power and Love.
As humanity is beginning to experience the unity of love, we Angels are beginning to experience the individuality of intellect and wisdom. We can help each other at this time as we combine our forces so that the two kingdoms can again command the power to heal this great planet which we have both called home.
Yes, we also think of Earth as home for it was there that we first began our existence as small elementals. We grew, step-by-step, just as humanity has grown. Side-by-side, we have evolved into our present states. But too often, the view has been one way. We were aware of, and indeed offered great service to, humankind, while you believed us to be a myth.
Not that we are complaining, for we were always aware of the Divine Plan. This awareness was a by-product of our maintaining complete unity with Source. But still, we do rejoice in knowing that now our relationship can be two-way again.
Then we can, once more, speak with and closely know our Brothers and Sisters in the Light. Recognize that when our relationship can truly be two-way, it will become exceedingly intimate. Then the longing that you have felt for us, and that we have felt for you, can end Solar Terra, which is a fragment of Sun/Star, needed to be in continual communication so that it could gradually go through the filter vortex to lower its vibration into the fourth dimension. and we can all move into our Divine Plan.
The true and complete family of Earth will then return home into the Heart of the Divine Father/Mother God—Together.
Your Sister in the Light,
Lady Astrea