The Illusion of Human Love
I AM Astrea Moon,
Please, see the circle around you. As Sister Venus comes towards you to remove this veil of illusion, it seems to fall off on its own. This is an illusion that you very much wish to release.
“Dear one,” Sister Venus says, “The veil that is lifted today is the illusion of human love. As this veil is lifted, many feelings and age-old yearnings rise within you. Human love is one of the main reasons why humanity wishes to stay Earth-bound. The transmutation of ‘human love’ to ‘Divine Love’ is the seventh initiation and one of the most difficult tests you will face. As a result, it is important that all illusion be lifted from human love so that you can see it in the clear light. Remember, my one, as the illusions lift, all dramas associated with them seek their final act.
“Conditional love has been humanity’s substitute for divine, unconditional love throughout the ages, as it appeared easier to achieve and to maintain. Therefore, this illusion has been called the Grand Illusion. With this veil released, realize how you have worn it as a mask, for it has served to separate you from your SELF. While you are immersed in human love, your consciousness is centered in the human existence, needs, and yearnings. Since human love can turn on you like a tamed lion can turn on its trainer, you must be constantly watchful. This watchfulness keeps you so busy in your mind and distracted in your heart that you separate your self from your SELF. Thus, you separate yourself from the Unconditional love that constantly emanates from the ONE. ”
As Brother Mars takes the veil, he remarks, “The energy field of human love is somewhat like mercury. If you try to hold it in your hand it slips around, escaping wherever possible. It appears to rise and fall of its own will and is very temperamental in the fevered heat of emotion. Human love is also used as a unit of measurement: ‘Do you love me this much, or this much?’
“Human love has also been used as a weapon, a badge, and a shield to protect yourself from others. Furthermore, human love slips around of its own volition because it is an illusion, and, once created, illusion takes on a life of its own. The way to transcend the illusion of human love is to perceive it through the compassion of your High Heart. However, in order to do this, you must join your ego’s human heart with the High Heart of your Soul/SELF. It is then that your human love can be transmuted to divine, unconditional love. Once you send unconditional love into your reality and/or into the heart of another, you will receive unconditional love in return.”
As the veil is passed, Apollo Sun consigns it to flame, as he says, “I can see the anguish that arises in your aura with this issue. Humans have suffered greatly from human love and have caused much suffering in others. I hear you saying, ‘How can I understand human love enough to transmute it into unconditional love?’ The answer is that you don’t need to understand human love; you need only to understand your self. When you understand yourself, you will understand how you use human love, and how it uses you.
“Begin by seeing the energy field of human love. How does it feel in your aura and in your body? Feel how it permeates your being and reminds you of someone, or something for which you have always longed. Feel this longing, this desire, and cling to it until it becomes clear in your consciousness. Do not try to understand your desire, merely accept it. In fact, love it; love your longing for love. Now, feel all the disillusionment and pain that you have felt because of human love. See each disappointment, each hurt, as a stair on a long stairway of light. Slowly climb this stairway, and as you pause on each step, forgive yourself. Yes, forgive yourself for allowing others to hurt you. It is you who holds the pain, and it is this pain that keeps you from loving your SELF.
“Know that your human self is the anchor of your true, multidimensional SELF. Just as a compassionate mother smiles at her child who stumbles while trying to walk, your true SELF smiles at you as you try to love. The devoted mother has utmost confidence that her child will someday walk and run, and your Soul/SELF has utmost confidence that someday you will emanate unconditional love. Forgive yourself, my dear, for that forgiveness will open your heart enough that you may forgive the world.”
Dear One,
Feel the Flow of unconditional love that emanates from your Soul/SELF. You deserve this gift of unconditional love, for it is YOU!
Astrea Moon
The Illusion of Proper Conduct
“Hello, my one,”
Follow Me.” As you follow her, you feel a calmness that you could never achieve by effort. You are beginning to feel a difference in you that you cannot express in words.
As you enter the Circle, Sister Venus greets you with a smile. She carefully removes the veil from your face and says, “Dear one, the veil that is being lifted this day is the Illusion of Proper Conduct. Proper conduct is a very elusive term in that it varies with the judge. Inevitably, the final determinant is your ability to bypass the judgment of others and be yourself in all situations. Of course, you can only be your self if you KNOW your SELF.”
Brother Mars takes the veil and speaks, “The energy field of this illusion resembles that of a lost child. Each molecule is randomly moving about, much as a tribe with no leader. No true course is laid, as movement is so highly dependent on exterior manipulation. No riverbed has been established, so the waters flow randomly, seeking a course without knowledge or understanding of their direction.
“While restricted by this illusion of proper conduct, you are a ship without a rudder. The ship is constantly being tossed about at the whimsy of each wind, while the unknown currents from the depths below battle with the forces of the wind above. The ship has no tools to determine its course and, therefore, is unable to move in a given direction. External agents push against it in opposite directions causing erratic movement, which, in turn, causes stress within the system. Without an internal direction, the many external agents war against each other and against you.”
The veil is set to flame by Apollo Sun who adds, “Proper conduct is the inverse of self-direction. When you are aware of your true SELF, you have an inner reference point from which you can measure what is proper for you. Being Apollo Sun, I know how important it is to maintain a strong core structure. When you were young and insecure, you could hardly find your own core of power, so you believed you needed external power to guide you.
“The illusion of proper conduct began when you were young, unsure of who you were and how you wanted to express yourself. As you gained more confidence in yourself, and in your ability to balance love and power, you also gained the wisdom to be the captain of your own ship. However, just as you have gained confidence in your third dimensional environment, you are awakening to your higher dimensional realities.
“Whereas, once your ego was the captain of your earth vessel, now your Soul is stepping into that position. You are now learning how to be ‘an island unto yourself’ where your codes of behavior are totally determined by your Soul/SELF. In fact, your entire reality is determined by your inner world. With your Soul as Captain, you realize that your outer reality is a projection of your own inner landscape. What world do you wish to create for yourself and, once it is created, how will you conduct yourself? Only you can ask yourself that question, and only YOU can answer it.”
Dear One,
Do not doubt Apollo Sun’s words. If you have the courage to release the comfort and habit of illusion, you assuredly have the Power to live as your SELF.
Astrea Moon
Dear One,
Through releasing the illusions of “Human Love” and “Proper Conduct,” you have regained the inner power and taken the third step towards BEING your SELF in daily life and see through your Eyes of Soul.
Repeat this Mantra in your waking life to assist you in empowering your dreams and meditations.
Astrea Moon
The Illusion of Self
Dear One,
I am Astrea Moon. I wish to assure you that I am never far from you, even as you go about your third dimensional life. If ever you need me, just think of me. I shall hear you and travel along your beam of thought into your awareness. As you remember to unite with me in the higher dimensions, please remember to unite with your Multidimensional SELF, as well. But come now, as it is your time to enter the Circle.
The Circle glistens around you as Sister Venus approaches, “The veil that is lifted this evening is the Illusion of Self. You have been taught to believe that your self is only your physical body, which is ruled by your ego. You have taken great effort to establish your sense of self so that you could feel strong in your physical world. However, your self is actually only one of your many selves, most of which do not exist in your current lifetime, or even in the third dimension.
“All of these selves make up your SELF. As an infant and a small child, you felt a connection to the essence of this SELF and innately knew that you were much more than a physical form. Unfortunately, many of you were taught to become only the small self that was confined within your physical body. With the release of this veil, you will again experience the Oness with your SELF that you experienced as a young child. Then, you will know and understand that all the desires, goals, needs and rewards of this small self are but components of your illusion of self.”
Brother Mars takes the veil and continues, “Release the illusion that you are just a small, lonely self. Surrender instead to the Soul/SELF that you have always felt deep within your core. Fear not the ramifications while you were learning your Earthly lessons, it was necessary to accept the illusion of the small self. However, now that you are the teacher as well as the student, you can release that small role with all its haunting emotions and earthly strife. You no longer need to suffer to learn, for now you can learn through remembering and teaching.
“Feel the presence of your SELF within your physical vehicle to see through your Eyes of Soul. From this perspective, you clearly see how Earth is a schoolroom. You are ready to leave your desks and collect your degrees, as it is time for your commencement from the third dimension.”
Apollo Sun consigns the illusion to flame and adds, “I can understand that to deny the suffering that has always told you that you were alive, can feel as though you are facing death. Die now, my one, die to hardships, restraint, criticism, and fear. See your Angels of Resurrection and feel their Divine Detachment as you return to your true, Multidimensional SELF. As you reunite with your Soul/SELF, your ego/self may feel that it is dying. Assure your ego that it is not dying, but transmuting so that it can KNOW and BE your Multidimensional Soul/SELF.”
Dear One,
Remember to BE your SELF.
Astrea Moon
The Illusion of Constancy
Dear One,
I AM Astrea Moon, here again to remind you that it is your time to enter the now-familiar Circle. As Sister Venus removes the veil, you hear her say, “Dear one, the veil that is lifted this evening is the Illusion of Constancy. On your third dimensional planet, everything seems to be constant. The trees, houses, mountains, and meadows all appear to be stable, unwavering forms of physical structure. However, this is truly an illusion, for constancy is relative to the frequency of your consciousness. When you change the resonance of your consciousness, your perceptions will calibrate to that vibration, and what appeared to be a clear, empty sky will suddenly be full of angelic and devic life.
“The next time you are in nature, look up at the sky in your normal consciousness, close your eyes and go into a meditative state. Then, with your physical eyes barely open, look at the same sky through your Eyes of Soul and see what appears. Trust your imagination, for it is truly your vision—FREE of illusion. You may also try this exercise in your home or any other location where you feel free to close your eyes for a moment to raise your consciousness. The fourth and fifth dimensions are around you all the time. Once you raise your consciousness to their frequency, you will be able to perceive them.
“Some of you are more clairvoyant, and you will initially see the higher dimensions. Others of you are more clairaudient, and you will initially hear the higher worlds. Remember, the higher dimensions are always around, as well as you. Trust your imagination, as it is truly the compass that will allow you to make your multidimensional journey. This journey begins inside your own consciousness.”
As Brother Mars takes the veil he says, “Dear one, all perception is relative to your state of consciousness. As each illusion is removed, your constant third dimensional reality will change because you will change. Most important, you will learn how to regulate your consciousness much as in you regulate the thermostat in your home. If your home is too warm, you turn down the thermostat, and if it is too cool, you turn up the thermostat. In the same manner, when your reality is too harsh and uncomfortable, you turn up—raise—your consciousness so that you can experience the higher dimensions. On the other hand, you may need to take care of third dimensional business. In that case, you may wish to lower your consciousness to be harmonious with that reality.
“Eventually, this conscious choosing of consciousness will allow you to remember how to live in the Flow of your Multidimensional SELF. Then you will live in the higher worlds and go to work in the third and fourth dimensions. The Flow of the ONE of your SELF constantly washes over, under, around, and through the illusions of your physical life. While in the Flow, there are many different choices of reality that will be revealed to you. Since your multidimensional SELF infinitely lives in the Flow, all you need do to live in the Flow is BE your SELF.”
Apollo Sun speaks, “The Sun is the most constant physical structure in your Solar System. Of course, this fact is relative to your focus of consciousness. While in human consciousness, the Sun appears to be a burning, fiery ball, which is unapproachable and uninhabitable. However, in the higher dimensions, it is teeming with life. Those bound by time and space are striving to tour the heavens in their constant physical structures, which use their earthbound sources of fuel. Little do they realize that, as they free themselves from the illusion of the physical realm, they can be transported anywhere that their minds can imagine. The mind, free of the belief in limitation, can experience and travel throughout the universe faster than the speed of light, for the mind travels at the speed of thought.
“Each thought is your personal spaceship, which allows you to travel, become, experience, and KNOW all that is possible, or seemingly impossible. Your fear is the glue that holds the illusions in your mind. Once you can release your fears, you will find the constant Flow of Unconditional love from the ONE that holds the Truths of your Multidimensional SELF forefront in your mind.
“You do not always need to understand your limitations or feel your fears. It is often enough to release your limited thinking and fears into the Flow. Once in the Flow, limited thoughts and fearful emotions can be calmed enough to calibrate your consciousness to the higher dimensions. Then, you will be able to embrace the reality of love, peace and truth that formerly seemed impossible.”
Dear One,
Remember that there are many higher Beings who wish to assist you in raising your consciousness. Call upon us, as we are here to help you.
Astrea Moon
Dear One,
Through releasing the illusions of “Self” and “Constancy,” your heart can open to the Flow, and you will have taken your fourth step towards BEING your SELF in daily life and seeing through the Eyes of Soul.
Repeat this Mantra in your waking life to assist you in loveing your dreams and meditations.
Astrea Moon