The forest is green and splendid with many unusual flowers and trees. The weather is weather-less in that it is perfect. You can feel no external temperature. The breeze is as gentle and caressing as soft feathers waving ‘round your body, yet none of the nearby shrubbery or flowers is moved by it. The moisture seems to come up from the ground, and everything has light dew upon it, even when the suns are high overhead. There is never a total darkness, as the three moons are very effective illumination. One of the most unusual things is that there are never shadows, even when the suns are low on the horizon. Also, the Beings of this place do not move. They are at one place and then, suddenly, they are at another.
Time is different here. On Earth, a day consists of the sun rising and setting, moon rising and setting; and then the next sunrise comes, and it is the next day. However, here there seems to be no rhythm to the suns’ rising or setting. It almost appears that it is happening for you. If you think that it must be time for the suns to set, then, when you look, the suns have set.
It seems as if polarities are not separated here. Instead, they are connected into a spectrum of Oness; hence, the feeling of separation is greatly diminished. As you concentrate on a flower, you suddenly become the flower, yet you are simultaneously yourself.
On Earth, “yourself” means what you feel, what you want, or what you think. Here there is little distinction between these three aspects. Whatever you think and concentrate your feelings on, you are. Therefore, there is little desire, as there is no separation from wanting and having. As a result, there is no possession, no possessor and no need to be possessed. On Earth there is a strong distinction between thoughts and feelings, but here they are ONE. On Earth you can think about your emotions, hide your emotions and thoughts, or have an emotion about a thought. Often, if you are very emotional, you will be unable to think at all. There is none of that distinction here.
You may also feel that you are losing the ability to communicate in your human fashion by separating each thought into a word and then putting the words in a line, for here one communicates by communing. There is a small flying creature here, but, as was said before, the creatures do not move. Therefore, flying means that the creature lives in the air. If you want to know how it feels to live in the air or speak to this creature, you simply put your attention on it. Then you and the creature are one. It is difficult to explain how this happens. You are still standing on the ground watching the creature, but you are also in the air watching yourself. It is somewhat like an Earth-dream where you are a participant, as well as an observer.
Creatures do not move here, and neither do you. You simply are “here” and then, you are “there.” But it is different from being “here” or “there” on Earth, as there are no real boundaries. You can see a form around you that appears to be your body, but you are not limited by it. You could easily change your “body,” if you wish, by changing your thoughts, feelings and desires. Here, however, “desire” is abstract and meaningless. In fact, many things that had meaning on Earth are now unimportant. For example, food is not necessary. Nothing seems to eat, including you. You experience no hunger or thirst, and you do not eliminate any waste material. In fact, here there is no waste material. There is no decay. Everything is perfect and beautiful, and then, suddenly, it is gone and replaced by something else. There are many flowers and trees, but there is not one dead leaf or flower. The leaves do not fall on the ground but stay on the trees. The flowers do not grow but appear suddenly full and mature. Then, suddenly, they are gone.
There is no need for a home here, as you need no shelter or protection. You also do not need a place to sleep here, as you do not sleep. Yet, you never feel fatigue. Your energy is constant and balanced. In fact, all is balanced. There is life all around you, as well as infinite space. There is a sense of total intimacy with the world, and, simultaneously, a feeling of complete isolation. The Beings you have met so far are not at all like you in that they appear more like animals and plants. You have not yet experienced a Being that “feels” like a human.
Your Earth vocabulary is too limited to explain these phenomena. You may not even know what a human-like Being would be here, yet somehow you know you have not met one. Perhaps it is “time” now to meet one. However, you cannot say it is “time” to meet someone. Also, you cannot “meet” someone separate from you for you are all ONE. Nonetheless, you are beginning to experience someone inside, yet outside, of you that “feels” human.
This “someone” is I, Astrea Moon. You may be feeling your first sense of separation. Your old illusion that all humans are outside-of and separate-from you has returned. Perhaps it is easier to feel at-one with plants and animals, as they have not harmed you, as humans have. I wish to assure you that you can come to no harm here, for you are here to unveil the fearful illusions of your physical life. With the illusions unveiled, TRUTH will be revealed. As I take your hand, we are instantly in a huge cave. You can feel the energy of many beings but can see only patterns swirling around the room. The Beings are communing, as you did with the flowers and Flying Beings. As you look around the cave, you see the many different energy-forms moving about.
You feel their humanness, although they are not human. There is, however, something about them that makes you realize that you are one of them. You are drawn to the center of their group. Suddenly, you know that you are to join them as they follow a small light. You all follow the light down a hallway, and you experience your first sensation of “moving.” At the end of the hallway a huge, bright light greets you. You realize that the light is a Being. As you do so, the Being moves forward to greet you. You feel a deep, euphoric feeling as you become ONE with this Being. You are communing.
You are instantly inside a large room filled with many “specks of light.” Some of these lights appear to have vague bodies around them and others do not. You now notice that your own body is a higher frequency and, therefore, has a lighter, more translucent quality. The euphoric feeling returns as the Being communes with ALL of you in the cave.
“Beloved ones, I, Gaia Earth, address you with a love that is free of all illusion. I am joyous that you have found your way here to participate in this process of releasing illusion. However, before you can do so, you must first understand what an illusion is. An illusion is a form of protection, a cocoon that you create around and within you while you are growing your wings and learning how to fly.
“How do you create an illusion? Some illusions were learned from your authority figures when you were a child, and others you have created yourself through your fear—primarily, fear of the unknown. When you found yourself in a situation that you were afraid to confront, you created an overlay of something that you believed was easier for you to deal with. You then believed that the overlay was the truth. In actuality, it was an illusion that you believed to be the truth. Once you believed that the overlay/illusion was the truth, you expected to perceive information that supported that illusion. Since expectation is about 80% of perception, you were able to collect information that proved your illusion/overlay to be true.
“There are always myriad possibilities in any situation, and you will perceive that which you desire and expect to experience. If you go for a walk in the woods and you desire and expect to see birds, you will unconsciously search them out and put your attention on them. If you desire and expect to see trash, you will search it out and see mainly that. The truth is that both the birds and the trash coexist, but you choose your reality by your desires, expectations, and consequent perceptions.
“You may wonder why someone would desire to see trash while walking in the woods, or why they would desire any negative experience? The reason is – habit. You have learned to feel safe with what is known and unsafe with what is unknown. If you have grown up with negativity and fear in your environment, you have learned to feel safe in it. Negativity is all you have known. Therefore, you expect negativity because you ‘desire’ the known rather than the unknown.
“Illusions about the world around you are actually reflections of illusions that you built within yourself from your opinions, fears, insecurities, and attachments. These inner impurities, which were created by your past environment, project out a reality that seems ‘as if’ it were something else. You create this as if it isreality because it is from your known and, therefore, feels safer. Then you view life from this apparent reality and make decisions according to that viewpoint. When you can go inside yourself to address and heal these impurities, you can regain your inherent memory of the Truth. Truth provides the greatest safety, for it is projected from your Soul/SELF. On the other hand, illusions are projected from the fears and traumas of your wounded child and ego/self.
“Because many of you here now have completed the integration of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF into your earth vessel, you have expanded your consciousness to embrace Collective Consciousness, Planetary Conscious, Galactic Consciousness and, even Cosmic Consciousness. Astrea Moon is the focus for your Collective Consciousness. I, Gaia Earth, am grateful for your Planetary Consciousness. Sister Venus and Brother Mars embrace you as a member of your family of Solar Consciousness, and Apollo Sun welcomes you into the sphere of Galactic Consciousness. As you free your self of illusion, your consciousness will burst forth into Cosmic Consciousness.
“As you release each illusion, more and more you will be able to perceive reality through your “Eyes of Soul.” Your Eyes of Soul are actually the ability to perceive reality free of the illusions of your ego/self. Instead, you will experience reality through the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF. Remember, your Multidimensional SELF encompasses all realities. Hence, you will be able to narrow your focus to the third dimension whenever you choose.
“Your Multidimensional SELF is androgynous, a balance of both your masculine and feminine energies. Therefore, to experience reality through the perceptions of your Soul/SELF, I encourage you to consciously integrate the polarities of your male/spirit/God SELF and your female/matter/Goddess SELF. In this manner, you can express your androgynous Lightbody and Ascended Master energy in your daily life.
“You see, my One, through the perception of your Soul/SELF, you live in the NOW, as your ascension has already occurred. I am here to remind you of that TRUTH. Your SELF is no longer limited by the polarities of male and female. In fact, the polarity of gender is primary to your entering the third dimension, and your unification with your Divine Complement is primary to your return to your androgynous Lightbody.
“In your third dimensional, dualistic reality, the Goddess polarity is the in-breath, yin, assimilation and Love. On the other hand, the God polarity is the out-breath, yang, radiation and Power. As you integrate your male/female polarities, the other polarities that create the illusions of separation and limitation will begin to integrate into the Truth of the ONE as well.
Allow me to instruct you in Integrative Breathing:
- Breathe-in and assimilate the Love of your Goddess SELF… Breathe-out and radiate the Power of your God SELF…
- Breathe-in the Goddess… and Breathe-out the God… Assimilate the Goddess… and Radiate the God…
- Breathe-in Love… and Breathe-out Power… Assimilate Love… and Radiate Power…
- Continue this breathing to assimilate the Unconditional love of your SELF… Continue this breathing to radiate the Divine Power of your SELF…
“Once you have become aware of both portions of yourself, you gain the Wisdom to balance them with your in-breath (female/Goddess polarity ~ Love) and your out-breath (male/God polarity ~ Power). The more conscious you become of balancing your personal energy through conscious breathing, the sooner you will be able to assimilate Unconditional love, radiate Divine Power and balance the two with your Infinite Wisdom. With the return of your innate Wisdom, Power and Love, illusion will be ‘just an illusion.’
“Astrea Moon will come to you in your dreams and meditations to escort you to our Crystal Temple. Each visit will begin with your being led into a circle of white light where another illusion will be released. An illusion may have been removed, but the force of habit is strong. Therefore, remember to set free all shadows of illusion that stubbornly remain in your consciousness, use the Violet Fire by chanting…
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL shadow into
Light, Light, Light
“My One, please keep in mind that YOU are a Multidimensional Soul. The only protection you need is from illusion and the fear that created it. Enfolding you like a mother protecting her child, I, Gaia Earth, will stand guard over you until you will feel safe. I shall not rest until each of you is free from illusion and ready to return HOME to your true vibration.
Remember, my Beloveds,
When illusion is removed, all that remains is TRUTH.”
Continue to: The Crystal Temple – Releasing Veils One Through Four