I inhale through the center of my Heart Chakra.
As I exhale, I allow my human heart to expand
into a ball of Light encompassing my High Heart
in one unified field of Light.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands, to encompass my Throat Chakra and my Solar Plexus Chakra in one unified field of Light.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Brow Chakra and my Navel Chakra in one unified field of Light.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Crown Chakra and my Root Chakra in one unified field of Light.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale Light through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Alpha Chakra (eight inches above my head) and my Omega Chakra (eight inches below my spine) in one unified field of Light.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Eighth Chakra (above my head) and my upper thighs in one unified field of Light within, through, and around my body.
My Emotional Body merges with my physical body, as well as with the body of Gaia.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Ninth Chakra and my lower thighs in one unified field of Light.
My Mental Body merges with my physical body, as well as with the body of Gaia.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the ball of Light expands to encompass my Tenth Chakra and my knees in one unified field of Light.
My Spiritual Body merges with my physical body, as well as with the body of Gaia.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the Light expands to encompass my Eleventh Chakra and my upper calves in one unified field of Light.
My Soul/SELF merges with my physical body, as well as with the body of Gaia.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I inhale through the center of my High Heart.
As I exhale, the Light expands to encompass my Twelfth Chakra and my lower calves in one unified field of Light.
My Greater SELF merges with my physical body, as well as with the body of Gaia.
I AM Gaia.
I AM Compassion.
I AM a unified field of Light, being ALL that I can BE, in each moment of my day.