Dear People of my Planet,
I am Gaia, returned to assist you in recalibrating your First, Root Chakra. Please take a moment to feel the Love and Support that I am sending to you. I wish to thank you for assisting me in OUR process of Planetary Ascension. In return, I am here to assist you in your process of Personal Ascension. Together we are Returning to SELF. Are you ready now to recalibrate your First Chakra?
GOOD! You may find it helpful to exercise or stretch before doing the meditation as it quiets your body and prepares you for greater concentration.
- Find a comfortable place to sit, either on the ground or with you feet on the ground, as this first chakra’s main focus is grounding.
- The first chakra’s element is earth, so you may wish to find a crystal, or a rock, to use as a focal point for this meditation.
- The sense of smell is ruled by the first chakra, so you may wish to light incense or scented candles and/or focus on your environmental aromas.
- Breathe the color RED into the base of your spine and chant “e” as in red.
- Visualize yourself in your favorite place in nature…feel the loving energy of the Earth as it enters the base of your spine…in turn, send your love down, deep into my earth…feel your energetic “tail” as you intimately connect with the earth.
- When you finish your meditation, take a moment to feel your “tail” connect to the earth of my planet while you are sitting, standing and/or walking throughout your day. To remind yourself of this connection, think or say the following mantra as you go about your daily life.
MANTRA: I AM fully grounded and connected with the Earth.
Before you focus on your body, take a long moment to intimately connect with the Essence of your Multidimensional SELF. You have integrated that Essence of SELF into your Consciousness while in the Integration Chamber of the Violet Temple. You are now ready to integrate fifth/sixth dimensional SELF into your physical body, one chakra at a time.
Take a long moment now to recognize, FEEL and “breathe-in” the Unconditional Love emanating from your Multidimensional SELF.
Allow this Unconditional Love to enter your Crown Chakra and swirl around in your mind to expand your consciousness.
Now, permit the Unconditional Love to connect with your Brow Chakra and stimulate your Higher Vision.
As the Essence of your SELF enters your Throat Chakra, you feel an immense urge to create a new life.
Open your Heart Chakra to absorb the Unconditional Love, as well as the Unconditional Forgiveness and Acceptance that emanates from this Love. Take a moment to share these non-polarized Unconditional Emotions with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensional portions of your earth vessel.
Experience how your “Power Within” expands as your Solar Plexus Chakra accepts the Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance from your opened heart and Higher SELF.
As these higher, unconditional feelings enter your Navel Chakra, your innate instincts and intuition are amplified.
Focus your expanded consciousness, higher vision, higher creativity, unconditionally loving heart, “power within,” and amplified instincts and intuition enter your Root Chakra.
As these multidimensional aspects of your SELF enter your Root Chakra, you instantly feel the force of Kundalini pulsating upwards towards her Divine Complement in your Crown. Lady Kundalini acknowledges your presence, but is single minded in her purpose. You feel your Lightbody anchored in your earth vessel through the coiled snake of Kundalini, and recognize the true Essence of your SELF that your Inner Lightbody protects.
Merge with your Lightbody by allowing it to coil around you. As you do so, the portal to the first and second dimensions opens. Down into the core of Mother Earth you go to ground your Light and to share it with me, Gaia. Into the Mineral Kingdom you travel. You experience yourself as the matrix within the crystal of my planet and the matrix for your first eight cells of this embodiment. All around you are consistent, repetitive geometric patterns which lead you deeper and deeper into the Crystal Kingdom of my planet and your person.
Deep inside my core now, you see and feel my crystal heart, pulsing the heartbeat of my planet. Your increased instincts make you aware that my heartbeat is gradually accelerating from seven cycles per second (cps) upwards towards 13 cps, which is the rate at which polarities will cease to exist.
You feel a flash of recognition from my heart, as I, Gaia, welcome you into the core of my heart. A small fragment of your Essence will remain here for all “time,” until time is no more and you and I, Gaia, ascend into our new fifth/sixth dimensional Home.
Gradually, you rise to my surface to commune with my second dimensional world. As you enter my deep underground caves, you are a bat hanging from the ceiling, as well as a drop of water flowing in my deep underground caves. You follow this flow on to the surface of my body and become a stream, a brook, a river. You are a fish, a tadpole, a frog.
As you jump onto the shore, you are the insect that the frog was pursuing, then the plant that you, the insect, is feeding on. Your reality is one in which all you DO is eat, mate, procreate, survive, and die. Your consciousness is very small, yet simultaneously connected with the body of my entire planet. You sense when it is about to rain, when the wind will blow, or when the sun is rising and setting. You don’t ponder these events, they just ARE. You do not think, you do not feel, you simply ARE.
Imagine your 3D human self now sitting upon my earth, beside a tree, or on a rock. Feel ALL the dimensions of life that you have just experienced inside your human earth vessel, as you welcome my Essence, the Essence of Gaia, entering the base of your spine. As you do so, allow me to assist in the recalibration of your Root Chakra.
Experience the sensation of being the first and second dimensional aspects of your physical body. You are your individual cells, and the atoms within each cell. Your first dimensional perspective allows you little consciousness of the external reality, yet it also ushers you into the quantum reality of unity with All That Is. You are a wormhole, a vortex, into all that can be imagined. Your consciousness now expands into the second dimension.
You are the organs of your body, independent in your casings, yet dependent on the entire body for life. You are your organs of procreation, your kidneys, your pancreas, your heart, your brain. Your first dimensional self connects all these organs through the hormones of your endocrine system, your blood and the molecules of oxygen that your blood carries.
You are your body, without thought or emotion. You are the physical form that holds your consciousness and your Multidimensional Essence. You are every organ, every bone, every cell, and every atom. You are your DNA. You are a chemical factory. Your first chakra activates adrenaline for survival—fight or flight—and testosterone for your masculine power source. Feel your Inner Warrior who is activated with these hormones.
Take a long moment to breathe your conscious awareness and personal Essence into EVERY portion of your body. FEEL your Inner Warrior within your Root Chakra as you emanate your Power of Initiation and Responsibility of Protection. Now breathe this Power and Responsibility down from the base of your spine, through your thighs, past your knees, down your calves, into your ankles, through your feet and deep into the earth to ground your Inner Warrior into your everyday life.
Your Inner Warrior gives you the courage to pursue what you want and protect your right to a happy life. If you have physical symptoms with your right hip, leg, knee, ankle or foot, your Inner Warrior is held back because you fear your own WILL. If you have problems with your left hip, leg, knee, ankle, or foot, your Inner Warrior is held back because you fear your INSTINCTS AND EMOTIONS. Use the courage of your Inner Warrior to confront these fears, and “Do It Anyway!”
Your first chakra also rules many of your eliminatory organs. Breathe into your Root Chakra again. Feel your Inner Warrior. What do you need to release so that you can move forward?
Call upon your Inner Warrior to find the COURAGE to release it NOW!!
I call upon my Inner Warrior to release ______ so that I may have the COURAGE to _______
Because you are a warrior, you are brave enough to initiate the total transformation of your earth vessel. From the world of the first and second dimension, the higher dimensions seem far away, yet you are more in harmony with your true Essence than ever. There are no emotions to make you forget your SELF. There are no thoughts to distract you from your SELF. You simply ARE your SELF.
In your simplicity, you can embrace the perspective of total unity. You exist as an unbroken link in the chain that connects you with All That Is. You instinctively know that the polarities of the lower dimensions blur into one as the circle of life is completed. You feel a shift in your root chakra, an opening, a release of tension like turning on a faucet or a flicking on a light switch, the circuit that was once closed is now opened.
You are connected to All That Is AND you are connected to my planet. Remember to maintain your connection to your Lightbody that is coiled within the “snake” of your Kundalini. From within your Lightbody, which is within your physical body, welcome your Soul is the new Captain into the base of your spine, the ROOT of your earth vessel. Feel your ego step aside to “hand the reigns” over to your Soul—YOU! You are Soul who has NOW become Captain of your earth vessel. Your first assistant is your ego. The polarities of your ego’s “I” has blended into the unity of your Soul’s “WE.”
You are ONE with your Soul now and ONE with your SELF! In fact, you feel ONE with everyone, for as you recalibrate your First Chakra, the strong polarities of “I am” begin to blur into the unity of “we are.” The Arcturians will assist you with the “Blending of Polarities,” for they are the Ascension Masters. Their Arcturian Corridor is the primary portal into and out of the physical worlds. As guardians of this portal, they are immediately there when an individual, civilization, and/or planet approaches the “time” when they are ready to raise their resonance to the fifth dimension and beyond.
With each chakra that you recalibrate to the higher frequencies, another illusion of polarity blurs into the Oness of the higher frequencies. Because of this, I now introduce the Arcturians who will guide you through the “Blending of Polarities.”
I will return to guide you through recalibrating your Second Chakra.
Until Then, and Always,