The process of my awakening took over 22 years. Part of the reason for the long journey is that the process started in 1974 when the resonant frequency of the planet was much lower. Now as the entire planet is preparing for a conscious ascension into the fourth and fifth dimension, there is less vibrational and social resistance.
The other part is that I am a Capricorn. Slow and steady works for me so that I can learn to “use” each experience in my daily life. On the other hand, some people may have the entire awakening experience in a relatively short span of time. The children of the Baby Boomers were not raised with the same social restraints that we had. Therefore, they can awaken more quickly and easily.
Also, “Generation X” is much more able to express both masculine and feminine energies, which is the vital component in the process of awakening to SELF. The merging of the male and female energies within one form is the sign of completion of the awakening process and the opening of the Third Eye. (Please see my other site for more information on chakras, Kundalini and the process of connecting to and integrating your Multidimensional SELF).
If I had not also had a career to serve as an expression for my masculine energy, my body would not have fared as well as it did. This may not be true for all women, but as a Capricorn, it was true for me.
I write my story because I believe that many others have had, or soon will have the same experience, but they may not know what is happening to them. I found great comfort in knowing that others have shared my experiences. When I was first awakening, I read many, many autobiographies of people entering their Spiritual Path.
If we are uninformed regarding our process, we can suffer great anxiety and depression. I have found this to be very true with my counseling practice. In fact, a person may even think that they are having a nervous breakdown when, actually, they are actually having a SPIRITUAL INITIATION.
I would very much like to hear other people’s stories of awakening. In fact, I am creating a section on this site where those who are willing can share their experiences, either anonymously or with their email, to encourage communication. We, the Lightworkers of Earth, have been hiding ourselves too long. I have gotten great comfort and education from others’ stories on the web. I hope that there are those who can benefit from my story as well.
Hear Patterns, performed by Jacqui Callis
Patterns of a puzzle
cast upon a page.
Patterns of a life gone by
the remnants of an age.
How many will remember?
How many even care
all the times that were important
through the stormy and the fair?
Memories of an echo,
a dream which must now end.
What is the moral of this round?
What message did it send?
Will the world know that it’s over?
Was a difference made this time?
Was the purpose met for coming?
Was there a reason or a rhyme?
Forever is as never.
Always is a lark.
Completion is a comma,
a quick stroll through the park.
What’s next will surely matter,
a beginning to an end.
The pieces fall in place now
as the path winds round the bend.
You may wonder what I have learned through my process of awakening. The answer is simple:
There are as many versions of reality as there are different perspectives of life. Through reading my story you may think that my life changed quite a bit over the years, which is true to some extent. But, mostly my outside life was much the same, and it was my beliefs that changed. Then, as my beliefs changed, my expectations changed. Since, our perceptions are greatly guided by our expectations, as my expectations changed, so did the manner in which I perceived my reality. Then, when my perceptions changed, my reality changed—because the reality we perceive is the reality we live.
Hence, reality is a perspective. For example, let us imagine that it is a beautiful day at the beach and we are walking along the pier. We had a good week at work, our family life is working well, and we feel creatively fulfilled. Because we feel clear and balanced, we perceive reality as a glorious day on the pier and all is well in the world. We choose to look up into the clear, blue sky to see the puffy, white clouds slowly moving above us. We can focus on the laughter of children, the smell of delicious food in a nearby restaurant, and the happy people who are also enjoying a relaxing day.
On the other hand, let us imagine, instead, that we are a homeless person who has fallen down on the ground from destitution and despair. In this case, because we are unclear and out of balance, we can manage to look only at the littered sidewalk for signs of possible food and the nearby trash can, which our empty bottle of cheap wine has rolled against. In this state of consciousness, or unconsciousness, we can hear only our own inner torment, feel only the gurgling sensation of our empty stomach, and see only the dark red, lower-astral mist that seems to lie on the sidewalk.
Could these two people be living in the same city? Yes. In fact, they could be standing next to each other, yet invisible in each other’s reality.
Imagine reality as a seven-story tower with windows around each of the stories. Each of the seven stories of the tower represents a different frequency (hence, a different color), as well as a different perspective of reality. The windows at the top of the tower represent the highest frequency experience of third dimensional reality and the bottom window represents the lowest frequency experience of third dimensional reality.
Furthermore, the windows of each story are covered with a frequency filter specific to that story, to filter IN the frequency of light for that window and to filter OUT the frequencies of the other stories. Each of these stories represents a different perception of reality, which is based on the belief system that is consistent with that octave of light.
Because these filters allow a different octave of perception from outside the tower looking in, there would appear to be many different realities. However, inside the tower, there is actually only ONE reality, seen through many different viewpoints.
As can be seen in the above illustration, these perceptions of reality are on a hierarchical scale, which means that basic needs must be met before we are able to move into the higher stories of the tower. Also, we can choose to perceive reality through the lower window if we wish. However, we cannot perceive reality through the higher windows until we have expanded our beliefs to embrace the concepts of those windows.
This fact, also, holds true for the dimensions. We can perceive the lower dimensions from the higher dimensions, but until we expand our consciousness into the higher dimensions, we cannot perceive them. On the other hand, once our consciousness expands to embrace the higher dimensions, we can open our belief system to that which formerly seemed impossible.
When we perceive reality from the first story, our life is based on believing that we must learn to be grounded, so that we can find protection and survive in our daily life. We must learn to protect ourselves and survive on our own before we can begin the process of Awakening to our SELF in our daily life.
When we perceive reality from the second story, our beliefs focus our reality on our emotions, instincts and family. Our world has expanded because we feel safe, grounded and know we can survive. Because of this, we are able to take on the responsibility of a family.
From the vision of the third story, our beliefs create a reality based on our thoughts, gaining our inner power and enhancing our intellect. Our consciousness is further expanding, and we are finding our personal power and educating ourselves to create a better life. The belief in our inner power encourages us to move beyond the confines of mere survival and seek a better life for ourself and our family.
From the fourth story, our beliefs allow us to see reality as an opportunity to create intimate relationships and strong bonds with others, and with our SELF. We now believe that we are empowered enough to learn the lessons of true love, so that we can create deep intimacy in our life.
From the fifth story, our beliefs allow us to perceive reality as an opportunity to have deeper communications, not only with others, but also, with the higher expressions of our SELF. These communications usually beg to be expressed through our creativity.
From the sixth story, we believe that we can perceive our inner, spiritual life, and we strive to intermingle our spirituality with the physical world outside of our window. We live in the physical world, but seek to constantly be in union with the higher expressions of our Multidimensional Soul/SELF.
From the seventh story we believe/know that we ARE our Multidimensional SELF. Hence, our perceptions are free of the separations and limitations of an inner or outer polarized world. In fact, from this window, there are no polarities at all—in our reality or within our SELF. We are all ONE Being playing in the third dimensional Game of Spirit into Matter. From this window, we perceive reality as an opportunity to participate in the great moment of Planetary Ascension.
The lower stories of our Tower are vital, for they are the foundation upon which we create our expanded perceptions of reality. Furthermore, on different days, as well as at different times in the same day, we will see reality through different stories of our Tower. For example, we may have expanded our consciousness to be able to perceive reality through the seventh story window but have a “bad day” and need to go down to the lower stories to do some maintenance work.
We can use our Tower to perceive reality through any window we choose. However, we usually don’t know that until we are able to work through old belief patterns that restrict us to the lower stories. Furthermore, we can use the filters in the windows of our Tower to filter OUT the fear and anger of our changing reality and filter IN the unconditional love and gratitude of the NEW Earth that we are creating as ONE Being.
So, how can we know exactly where we are in our Tower? To answer that question we must ask our SELF, who is the core of consciousness.
I AM the core of your consciousness.
I live inside of the inside of you.
Your eyes are my eyes, and
your ears are my ears.
Through you, I can see and hear
your everyday reality that
you have created with your mind.
I can see what you see and
hear what you hear.
But, I have an advantage that,
too often, you do not.
I am ALWAYS aware of YOU.
I cannot forget that I AM
looking through your eyes and
hearing through your ears.
I AM of you, but I AM more.
I AM the part of you
that looks through you.
I AM the part of you that
is ALWAYS self-aware,
ALWAYS awake.
While you are asleep to your physical world,
I AM awake.
While you are asleep to your dream world,
I AM awake.
I AM ALWAYS awake, and
I ALWAYS remember.
Always, I remember that
the world OUTSIDE of you
is a creation of your own illusions.
Always I remember that
the world INSIDE of you
is a creation of your own illusion.
So, if ALL,
inside and out,
is an illusion,
what is real?