Dear Love, so soft and gentle
You kissed my lips today
Silent as a morning cloud
You came into my dream
You reached for me and pulled me through
The limits of my mind
Then palm to palm, and heart to heart
The worlds between us blurred
But with your kiss my world came back
And I was left alone
Oh, but alone shall never be
What once it was for me
For all my life the memory of
Your kiss upon my lips
Shall draw me back into your world,
The place where we are ONE
In that Oneness I shall know
The Being that I AM
With open heart I think with love
And love with peaceful mind
Polarities extend beyond
The limits they have known
And you and I shall live inside
Freedom ~ Living in Surrender
At first, Soul may seem far away and separate from our everyday life. But, once our imagination has paved a path and initiated a communication with us, we can begin to bring our Soul into our mundane world as the purist expression of our Awakened SELF. This bringing in of the energy and guidance of our Soul/SELF is best accomplished if we can totally surrender to it. Our Soul is the portion of us that our inner child has never forgotten. Can we believe as adults what we knew as children? Can we believe that we deserve our Soul’s presence in our daily life and allow it to work within and through us? Can we accept the guidance that our Soul constantly and consistently offers?
There are many questions to be asked. To find our own answers we must go inside—inside ourselves. The answers may change with every quest. It is this search that makes up our life.
The seventh and final stairway is before us. Where will it take us and who would we become when we arrive? The stairway does not look at all familiar, yet it evokes a loneliness deep inside of us. We want to travel up these stairs, but at the same time, we fear them. We close our eyes to calm our self and take a deep breath. The awareness comes upon us slowly like a misty dawn and fills us with the joy of the first day of spring after a long winter. We know the stairway now. Actually, we feel it. This is the stairway HOME. We listen carefully to a silent call that tugs at our Soul. No, it doesn’t tug at our Soul—it IS our Soul.
Now that we hear our Soul’s call, can we surrender to its Wisdom?
Personal History, Seventh Step
Seventh Chakra
TIME FRAME 1994-1996
It was 1994, and my connection with my inner worlds had given me the courage to let go of the “what ifs” and live more in the “now.” I was slowly gaining the wisdom to allow each moment to unfold before me, at least more often.
My meditations continued like a serial story with each installation picking up where the last one let off. My lessons with the fifth dimensional group continued, and I had learned by now to better perceive with my fifth dimensional senses. In one very special meditation the inner teacher took me aside and said, “Follow me.” I did, and she took me to a beautiful garden with a circular pond with a waterfall at the far end.
My teacher instructed me to enter the pond and swim to the waterfall. When I dove into the “water,” I realized that is was liquid light and felt like swimming in silk. The water shimmered with a silver sheen and created a soft melody as I moved through it. Also, I could breathe it like we breathe oxygen on Earth. The water felt like a welcoming womb, full of hope and expectation. Would this water also take me to a new life?
I swam in this pool for what seemed like a lifetime until, at last, the sound of the waterfall broke my reverie. The sound beckoned me to enter it, to merge with it. There was a secret there, a promise. This promise made my heart leap and my mind race with myriad memories of loss, pain, joy, and love.
Without my even knowing, I was suddenly in front of the waterfall. There was a small ledge of rock so that I could face the waterfall and look into it, like a mirror. Yes, there was a reflection. Was it of me, or was someone on the other side of the water? My heart expanded beyond the limits of my form, as my mind asked that question.
Something or someone familiar, more familiar than me, was on the other side of the waterfall. Could I join this person? Is that what he, or she, wants? Upon further inspection, I realized that it was a male, yet so like me that he was a male counterpart of me. I could wait no longer. With one step, a step that I have waited for all of time to make, I stepped through the waterfall.
It seemed like forever before I had walked through the falling liquid light. When you have waited lifetimes, how long does it take to make a single step? Then, we were face to face. In a flash of radiant joy, I realized that the person was my Divine Complement, the other polarity of me that I had felt my entire life.
We stood face-to-face and heart-to-heart. Naturally our lips met in our Soul’s kiss, and we merged into one being. I/we were the complete, androgynous, fifth dimensional being that we had always been.
Time stopped, space disappeared. I was Home. We were Home.
Then a hedge, which I had not noticed before, opened up in a welcoming manner. A memory from this life’s childhood flooded my mind. There was another hedge. It was at my Grandmother’s house, and I would climb through it to play with my very first friend.
Now, with my first friend in ALL of my lives, we walked through the hedge, arm in arm, into the higher planes of the fifth dimension.
There is a natural inflow and outflow of life. Being self-employed most of my life, I have experienced this most obviously in my career. Living next to Mother Ocean, I have always likened that inflow and outflow to the ocean’s waves.
When the waves are pulling back into the ocean it is best to go into the water. I can, of course, go into the water when the waves are crashing forward, but there will be much resistance. Once in the water it is best to return to the shore riding the force of the shore-bound waves. If I try to go against the wave, I will again meet resistance.
It is the same in life. There are times of inflow when we are naturally drawn to go inside to learn and to prepare for the time of our outflow/“ride.” During inflow, our primary focus is on our inner life as our outer life is usually familiar and unchanging. While following the outflow we are busy “doing” in the world and often find it difficult to find the time to go inside. My career was still in inflow. Gradually, I was gaining more clients, but I had lots and lots of time to write.
All of my life I had wanted to go away somewhere so that I could do “something.” I had envisioned myself going far away to write. But the Universe taught me again and again that the only place I need to go is within.
Finally, my body had calmed down. The hormones had assisted the pituitary gland of my sixth chakra in its transition. My SELF was now awakening in my Crown Chakra. In fact, this awakening occurred when I met my Divine Complement behind the waterfall.
The pituitary gland is known as the Seat of the Mind and the pineal gland of the seventh chakra is known as the Seat of the Intuition. My intuition was becoming a part of my body and my everyday life. The pineal gland was now preparing to combine its essence with the pituitary gland to awaken my Third Eye. When it did, I began my final initiation.
Since I was writing more, I had finally purchased a computer and had become comfortable with it. My seventh grade typing class had paid off, because I did not have to look at the keys. I had always avoided typing because I went too fast, just like I did in my life, and made too many mistakes, just like I did in life. With computers, typos are no problem as they can be easily corrected.
My written meditations told me to write with the computer so that I could close my physical eyes to see with my Third Eye, and quickly write down what I was experiencing. What I received was communication from the Brother- and Sisterhood of Light. They initiated me into multidimensional Cosmic Consciousness and took me on a journey through the vortex. (This journey is documented in the Dreams and Aspirations Door of the Conscious Section.) In this journey I met my own future, fifth dimensional, androgynous self, Kepier. I also met the Arcturians, who were to be my primary inner guides.
My initiation was, “how could I tell anyone about this?” Surely, I was being delusional. Then I discovered the Internet and found that there were a lot of people, all over the world, who were just like me!! There was an opportunity for me to enter a college Website and “come out of the closet.”
All my life I had kept my spiritual life a secret. I had never had many people in my life who shared the same experiences that I had, and I was still afraid that I would be judged—like I had judged my own spiritual teachers. How could I go public? Maybe people would think I was crazy? Or, maybe people would not even care! It was the “not caring” that happened. I think my log-in counter read 250 when the site went off-line. I had probably logged into it 100 of those 250 times to check the counter.
My test was to not “need to be acknowledged,” but instead to acknowledge myself. A few people connected with me, and I learned that it was more important to have the courage to try than to be successful. Most importantly, I had come out. I had publicly stated, “I am a multidimensional being and SO ARE YOU!”
I had stepped upon the Seventh Step to Soul, but my process of awakening had not ended. I had met my Divine Complement, my future SELF and the Arcturians. Now, I had to ground all these experiences in my third dimensional life.
We are very near the top now. The seventh pillar stands just beyond our reach. It has taken us a while to resume our journey because the sixth pillar demanded changes in our physical life before we could continue. Now we believe, or at least hope, that we are ready to approach the seventh and final pillar.
As we step onto this last step, and walk towards the pillar, an overwhelming doubt engulfs us. All the old feelings of inadequacy threaten to overwhelm us again. With tremendous will power, we push them aside and promise our self that we are ready for this step. A battle rages inside us as confidence and inadequacy are at war. Finally, confidence wins and we move forward to look into the seventh crystal.
It is difficult to see anything in the crystal because our attention drifts off whenever we look into it. When we return, we cannot remember where we have been. This happens time after time, until we become exhausted from the effort of trying to stay focused. Strangely enough, when we finally give up trying, we succeed. We look into the crystal on the pillar and, as usual, drift off. But, as we do so, we manage to stay aware of our experience.
We feel our self being lifted up, higher and higher, until the step, the pillar, and all that we have formerly identified as our self are far below. And then, they are all gone. We float for what seems a very long time, but may be only a moment. It is difficult to determine because time is not as we have always measured it.
We are not alone, however. Many lights that have the “feel” of living beings lovingly surround us. The “lights” flicker in and out of many different forms. When we look, we find that we, too, are a light being whose form changes with each thought and emotion. We embrace the companionship of these obviously caring Beings. In response to our acceptance, they surround and welcome us, as if we have just returned HOME after a long, long journey. In fact, the light beings actually appear to be our family, welcoming us Home. Within the same moment, many familiar messages enter our consciousness. Remarkably, we are able to differentiate each message from the others.
Suddenly, we realize—we ARE Home—Home at last. We are in the fifth dimension, the realm of Soul. The rules of this realm are totally different from those of the physical world. There is no movement, no going from place to place. We are at one place, then, as we desire it, we are at another place. There is also no cause and effect, no chain of reaction. What is—IS—and, each place’s springs instantly from our desire.
Interestingly, our desire is not a need. We have no needs because nothing is lacking. If we think of something, someplace, or someone, it instantly IS. When we cease to think of it, it is NOT. We are the core of our reality, an island unto our SELF. On this island there is only the IS, the NOW, and the HERE.
We are far beyond surviving, fighting, experiencing, and even beyond creating. We are living in complete surrender. Divine Life is the expression of our every breath. We know that if we allow our consciousness to fall, we will not remain in this reality. Still, old habitual negative thoughts and feelings call to us from the depths of our memory.
“NO!” we cry. “Just as we have denied ourself this reality all of our life, we will now deny ourself the indulgence of doubts and fears.”
We know, though, that we cannot remain in this realm—yet. Our life mission is not complete. This plane is to be our place of learning and regeneration. Here, we can remember who we truly are, and why we have come to third dimensional Earth. We also know that, eventually, we will learn to keep a portion of our SELF awake within this realm. But it will take earth-time before we can keep the thread of continuous consciousness from here all the way down the dimensional path to our physical self.
We determine to accomplish this goal, and with that determination, we feel a pull from our physical world. Fortunately, we know that we can return. We have found the way once, and now, we carry an inner compass to bring us back.
This compass is a memory, the memory of an essence,
The essence of our true, Multidimensional Soul/SELF.
Hear Now and Forever, performed by Jacqui Callis
Now that the sleep of many lives
has come into its morning light.
Now that the fear of many moments
has begun to lose its fearsome might.
Now that the flower of my own creation
has renewed itself in a new ideation.
Now and forever there can be freedom.
Now and forever there can be peace.
Peace to go inside and see
all I’ve dreamed to be.
My dues are paid.
I’m not afraid.
For I’ve been shown
I’m not alone.
And, in the showing
there is a knowing
and the power that can only be,
as I live my life by being me.
Because I understand this vision
I have the strength for this decision.
For as the hand fits in the glove
I surround myself with Peace and Love.