The Emotions Door of the Conscious Section represents the Fifth Chakra, which rules creative communication of emotions. Our consciousness is often a battlefield between our mind, body, and emotions. In order to “win this battle”, we must be willing to FEEL our emotions or our inner enemy will remain unknown. Our feelings/emotions, our “energy in motion”, is a powerful force. Our fifth chakra teaches us how to transmute emotion into creativity and directs us how to share it with others through communication.
However, our society puts great pressure on us to be “fine” and “work hard”. Therefore, we often ignore our bodily symptoms and emotions. We do this because we need to survive in a competitive world and because uncomfortable bodies and negative emotions are familiar. Look at how many commercials on television encourage us to “take medicine” so that we can ignore the messages from our body or emotions and continue to WORK. If we can perceive the small voice that reveals our true feelings about life, than we can make appropriate choices to deal with these feelings.
Our emotions are biochemical events in the ductless glands of our chakras. When they are routed to our brains, they go to the limbic system, which is in the most primal, survival-based area of our brain. These emotions are only routed to our higher cortical mind through learning and conscious choice. Therefore, emotions truly are “bodily sensations”, and it is difficult to isolate them from our body. Many sayings express this. For example: “I was so afraid that my knees shook.” “I was so upset that I felt like throwing up.” “I was so angry that my blood was boiling.” In fact, it is very difficult to describe an emotion without using a body sensation. The body and the emotions act as one. If we “feel good” emotionally, then our bodies feel good. On the other hand, if we are “upset”, our emotions and bodies will both “feel the pain.”
Emotions are reactions to our inner and outer life. They provide us with important information that can assist us in steering our body through third dimensional life. Our emotions give us information in nonverbal language and tell us about the carrier frequency to which we are attending. A “carrier frequency” is the emotion that carries this information. The low frequency waves are based on fear and the high frequency carrier waves are based on love. Fear is a low frequency because it resonates to restriction, limitation, separation, power over others, or others’ power over us. On the other hand, love is a high frequency because it resonates to flowing, allowing, accepting, unity, hope and inner power.
The faster brainwaves of Beta are more likely to resonate to the lower frequency carrier waves because the focus is external and often overwhelming. Therefore, it is easier to become off-center. In the lower brainwaves, we have more of an inner focus and we can better balance our many “selves”. It is only when we are centered and calm in our thoughts and emotions that we can raise the vibratory rate of our consciousness and therefore our perceptions.
Since the reality that we create is based on the information to which we attend, it is important that we learn to perceive the carrier frequency that we wish to “tune into”. Choosing a carrier frequency is much like dialing a radio channel. However, with a radio, the stations are not based on a hierarchy as they are with our consciousness.
The higher dimensions send their messages on the higher frequencies and the lower dimensions send their information on the lower frequencies. The higher fourth and fifth dimensional stimuli travel on the love carrier frequency. The lower fourth dimensional, and for far too many people, most of the third dimensional, stimuli is carried on the fear carrier frequency. Fear based carrier waves are not “bad”. Fear gives us important information about our safety. However, we do not want to live our life in fear. It is best if we can learn to get the message of fear and then release it.
The “control panel” of our earth vessel/physical body is our chakra system. Our multidimensional SELF, which has great power because of our emotions, can steer our consciousness through our many different realities. We can use our emotions to “dial in” information about our inner and outer worlds by “feeling” a certain chakra.
Each chakra transmits information about different dimensions and different areas of our life. Each chakra also has a “love carrier frequency” and a “fear carrier frequency”. The love carrier frequency gives information about creation and directs us to maintain our reality. On the other hand, the fear carrier frequency gives information about destruction and directs us to protect ourselves or release our reality.
We can use our emotions to focus on the area of our body that rules each chakra and calibrate our consciousness to that information. First we scan a chakra to see if we primarily feel fear or love. In this manner we can determine if that chakra is balanced or “dis-eased”. Our bodies, in tandem with our emotions, will give us this information.
The fear carrier frequency will tell us if there is something wrong and if there is possible danger. The love carrier frequency will tell us how to best use the resources of this chakra to create the reality that we desire. If we are to correctly interpret our charka’s message, we must feel calm and balanced. Also, we must be aware of our dark side, the constant reservoir of fear and negativity that links us to the lower Astral plane. If we are to be able to attune to the love carrier frequency, we must be willing to feel our fear and LOVE it free.