We must gain a level of mastery within our third dimensional world before we can awaken our multidimensional consciousness and integrate other dimensions into our conscious awareness. We must root out the victim from whatever area of our life that we have not mastered and take the responsibility for our life. We must be fully mature and grounded before we expand our awareness too much. Otherwise, we can become mentally or physically ill due to the excess of information that is beyond our ability to understand.
Regardless of chronological age or areas of life, once the victim is liberated and we are dependable adults, we have the power to go inside ourselves and raise the frequency of our consciousness to include beliefs, expectations, and perceptions of the higher dimensions. Within every stage of consciousness is the lesson of becoming aware of and directing both our male and female energies and learning the laws of cause and effect.
Dependent Areas of Life
Within this stage of consciousness, at whatever age or whatever area of our life, we are the victim and the reactor. We react to each stimulus without observation or reflection and believe that situations and people outside of us create each moment. We feel powerless, anxious, or depressed because we believe that there is nothing that we can do to repair our lives. We are the victim of our circumstances and take no responsibility for the way that our lives are. We are completely dependent upon others to create our lives for us.
Our consciousness is of the Maiden in our feminine selves and the Warrior in our masculine selves. Our lessons are meant to guide us to learn about our own power so that we can gain our independence and take responsibility for ourselves. We are meant to learn to respond rather than react, for when we are no longer bouncing off of others we can experience the power that is within us. Then, we can confront each experience straight on.
The female Maiden within us must learn to respond in a creative manner filled with love. And the male Warrior within must learn to respond in a powerful and protective manner. In this way, the inner Maiden can learn the power in receiving information from her own intuitions and the inner Warrior can learn the love in using his will to protect others.
From choosing our responses, rather than instantly reacting, we learn that every action has a reaction. By having an awareness of the responses to our responses, we learn how to release our mental state of victim hood so that we can begin to take responsibility for choices that we make in our life. Our female side learns that what goes out comes back and our male side leans that if we want to have power, we must gain our courage by facing our fear. As we learn more about our own power and ability to love, we become more independent. Through the conscious observation of ourselves, we learn that the world respects us if we respond to it with love and in a powerful manner.
Independent Areas of Life
Within this stage of consciousness, at whatever age or whatever area of our life, we are the independent-responder. Our life is improving now as we are gaining some control of our personal reality. We have a growing awareness of our independence and the individuality that independence brings us. We begin to realize that we have a choice regarding where we place our attention. This awareness gives us a sense of power and freedom to choose to respond, interact, ignore, or leave a situation, person, or experience.
We realize that it is our own choice of responses that create the quality of our third dimensional life. However, we still perceive only the small picture where the cause and effect resonate only to the third dimension. Our conscious perception of the other dimensions is not yet remembered. We are still unable to raise above an experience enough to see the multidimensional picture of cause and effect. Therefore, we must expand our vision beyond ourselves and learn responsibility for others.
Through our independent choice to be responsible for others we learn about our own creative force. As we assist in creating a world for others, we see how we are also creating a better world for ourselves. We now enter the phase of the Mother and the Father. The inner female Mother must learn to receive and accept the creative force and patiently gestate it into fruition. The inner male Father energy must learn to initiate the creative force and then protect it until it can live on its own.
Slowly we begin to remember our multidimensional nature as we receive information from the first, second, fourth and fifth dimension with our feminine energy. Then we must integrate what we have received with our masculine side and manifest it upon the third dimension. Therefore, we learn that WE are the cause as well as the effect. Once we have learned this, we can release blame “against ourselves and against others” and replace that blame with responsibility.
The placing of blame, “Why did they do that to me?” creates the shame of, “I don’t have enough power to stop them.” On the other hand, assuming responsibility of, “I created this mess and I will fix it,” creates a feeling of empowerment. The Mother within uses her love force to pull in the creative force from within and around her and the Father within uses his power to project this creative project into reality.
Dependable Areas of Life
With this stage of consciousness we are leaders and creators. We have now become the Mentors and the Sages. Our egos have been so refined that we can begin to surrender the guidance of our “earth vessel” to our Soul and relegate our egos to being the “Captain” of our physical life. We can do this because we are learning to integrate our other dimensional selves into our third dimensional consciousness and to remember our true multidimensional nature. The inner female Mentor and the inner male Sage are merging into one now as we become more aware of our fifth dimensional selves. In fact, now all polarities become evident as opposite ends of a spectrum.
Here we learn to use our female Mentor to love, accept and forgive ourselves UNCONDITIONALLY. Our male Sage then projects these fifth dimensional emotions into the world. The cause of our reality is now our Soul and the effect is the grounding of our multidimensional selves into our third dimensional bodies. Our male and female aspects join into one to learn mastery of our multidimensional consciousness. Within our first dimensional self we learn the power of the crystal and the regulation of our own biochemistry through food, meditation, and exercise. Eventually, we hope to learn the mastery of own our DNA and RNA to assist us in transmuting our physical bodies.
With the mastery of our second dimensional self we can learn to tame our animal nature and live in union with Gaia, the consciousness of planet Earth. Our third dimensional self now exists for the service it can provide to Gaia and all of her inhabitants. Mastery of our fourth dimensional self allows us to remember our other third and fourth dimensional realities as well as the powers of our “higher human” self. Our fifth dimensional self can then communicate with us as we work to ground its energy in our every day life.
At this stage of consciousness we have become mature dependable leaders and creators. We are consciously aware of our personal programs of limitation and our dark side as well as the light side of our Higher Selves. This knowledge of our own power and weakness empowers us and allows us to take responsibility for all of our experiences. We can now see each situation as an opportunity for growth and spiritual transformation.
We act as role models for others and face the many responsibilities of our physical life in tandem with and under the direct supervision of our Soul. We constantly and consistently surrender our ego to the higher guidance of our higher dimensional selves. Because we consistently confront and heal our own darkness, we live more and more in the light. Negative situations are often stopped long before they have a chance to develop and those that are not stopped are seen as an opportunity for growth–no matter how painful they are.
It is from this state of mastery in our third dimensional life that we can experience our multidimensional self without being overwhelmed. We understand that our spiritual powers come “not from us, but through us” and we accept that it is our duty to ground the light and to remain a clear vessel.
As we move through these stages of consciousness in our chronological maturity, we are able to take deeper and deeper looks at ourselves to discover any hidden areas of our life where the victim rules. Once we have learned that we are not victims, once we have proven to ourselves that we are the creators of our own reality, we can begin to create a better life. Then we will not be tossed about by the waves of other people’s realities. Instead we can learn to accept that, in some way, we have chosen to interface with these people and these situations. We will have proven to ourselves that it is from our greatest challenges that we gain our greatest victories.
When we have cleared our unconscious beliefs in limitation we can integrate our superconscious perceptions into our everyday physical life. Fortunately, many of us have always felt a connection to our superconscious selves. It has been that connection that has allowed us to release our belief in victimization and embrace our belief in our own creative power.
Through remembering our true multidimensional nature we expand our consciousness to become more and more of our total self. The higher we raise our consciousness, the deeper we are aware of our unconscious secrets until, at last, the lines between conscious, unconscious and superconscious blur. Then we can experience our full multidimensional reality.
All of this transformation began with the simple shift from belief in fear to belief in the power of love.