The first door is marked: PHYSICAL BODY
We knock.
As the door opens, a message is displayed:
As we expand our consciousness of our physical, third dimensional life, we receive more positive body sensations because we are no longer hiding from our thoughts and emotions. This communication between our conscious and unconscious selves gives us more of a sense of well-being.
Our body feels better now and we do not wish to taint that feeling with excesses of food, alcohol, or drugs. Our immune system is healthier because we no longer have the stress of sitting on a volcano of suppressed emotions and negative thoughts. This makes us feel more sociable and we seek the company of others.
In the Unconscious Section, we learned how to remember, and experience, our fourth dimensional selves and those portions of our third dimensional memories locked in the forgotten archives of our unconscious mind. Now we must begin the life-long process of learning how to integrate our “unconscious selves” with our conscious life so that we can form a strong base in which to ground our superconscious selves.
Fortunately, men and women of today are learning to stand eye to eye as women are beginning to discover and express their masculine side while men are beginning to discover and express their feminine side. Because of this, the third dimensional rules of polarity and separation are being loosened and the collective consciousness of humanity is beginning to embrace this multidimensional consciousness. Through multidimensional consciousness, we begin to be aware of more and more of the “higher” perceptions that we were born with yet forgot as we “grew up”.
However, we must first develop a sense of power and mastery over our third dimensional world. As our consciousness changes, so do our physical bodies. We must slowly prepare them to integrate the expanded perceptions of our fourth and fifth dimensional selves. Since we have moved to the third stair, we can be more objective about our physical body and our physical life. From the position of the observer, we can closely examine the workings of our consciousness.