The sixth door is marked: SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE
We knock.
As the door opens, a message is displayed:
More balanced thoughts and feelings bring about a sense of deserving that allows spiritual feelings of grace and joy to expand. Because we can now connect with our fourth dimensional self, our instincts are keener and our creativity and inspirations has increased.
Our self-esteem strengthens as we begin to trust that we can keep ourselves above mere survival level. We are discovering ways to move through negative situations in a calm, detached manner. Communications with our multidimensional self have awakened our need for loving, intimate relationships. We have freed our inner victim and no longer tolerate abuse of any kind, as our inner communications assure us that we always have other options.
Since our feelings of victimization have diminished, we no longer hold judgment and anger against others or ourselves. We have begun to observe our body, emotions, thoughts and behaviors from a higher perspective of our consciousness, which allows us to release our shame and take full responsibility for the life we have created. Our illusions have become our imagination and our spiritual guidance has become a part of us rather than a Being that resides far away and high above.