I, the Goddess of Earth, am ALWAYS available to assist you. Know that you, my beloveds, are manifestations of my consciousness. Your individual Souls are a portion of The Source, but the physical form that houses your consciousness is my manifestation. Your physical body is made of the same elements as all my other creatures. We are all ONE, you see, and as ONE Being we shall transform ourselves into our higher expression.
Yes, the boundaries between dimensions are beginning to blur. For a brief moment you may begin to perceive the third, fourth and fifth dimensions at once. Often, your physical senses cannot compute all this stimuli and your physical eyes will see the world through a dim haze.
You may also have difficulty in orienting yourself in space, and other physical sensations may be experienced such as nausea and/or dizziness. If this happens to you, take a moment to focus solely on your third dimensional world until you feel grounded and balanced. Take long, slow deep breathes and keep your eyes open. Eventually, you will regain your equilibrium.
It is not “time” yet to leave the third dimension, although the process is proceeding. Each of you has an inner clock that will chime when it is your “time” to activate the mission for which you took embodiment. Now it is important that you gradually, and safely, learn to hold the awareness of more than one dimension at a time.
The dimensions have a hierarchy structure and you can easily perceive lower vibrations while in your primary consciousness. However, it is very difficult to perceive higher vibrations/dimensions while your primary focus is in one of your lower dimensional forms. When your vessel is calibrated to the frequency net of the third dimension, or any lower dimension, it is difficult to tolerate the frequencies of the higher dimensions.
When your primary essence, or point of focus, is in your fifth dimensional self, you will easily perceive the fifth, fourth and the third dimension. Just like you are able to perceive the second and first dimensions from your third dimensional self. When your full multidimensional perceptions are fully activated, you will easily see the “big picture” and know how you are to proceed with the assignment that you accepted before your birth.
It has not been easy for most of you to perceive the higher dimensions. Just as a space ship might close down all of its operations and give all the power to life support in a difficult situation, this is what your life vessel has had to do in order to survive life on the third dimension. That is, until NOW. Now the rules have changed. In order to ground the higher dimensions into the third dimension so that there can be a planetary ascension, humanity must learn how to integrate these higher dimensions into their mundane perceptions. Many of my animals and other creatures have already done so, but they do not “think” like humanity does. Too much thinking can interfere with receiving my directions.
Please do not judge yourselves for your difficulties with this transition. You can see that I too have had problems. My weather patterns have been very erratic and extreme. Just as you might vomit from your stomach area and pass out from your brain, I might have a hurricane in one area of my body and an earthquake in another area. We must all learn together how to gradually allow our bodies to adapt to more light and a higher frequency than is our familiar keynote. This lesson is one that has not been learned before in our time/space quadrant. We must all cooperate in order to learn it.
Allow me to share with you what I, Lady Gaia, have learned through the experience and observation of my inhabitants. Do you remember how I spoke of the frequency net which holds our galaxy in the third dimension? If we can have a direct communication with that frequency net, we—myself and ALL my inhabitants, can work together to urge that frequency net to accept a higher frequency. The blurring sensation that many of you have experienced is the gradual amplification of the “net.”
As the keynote frequency of the net is raised, all those held inside of it will be able to perceive a higher frequency through their clay-earth vessels. Because the entire reality is shifting, the power of the collective consciousness will make it easier for each of you to edit out your old, third dimensional beliefs in limitation and separation. It is those old beliefs that give power to the third dimensional frequency net. When the release of those patterns reach critical mass, 51% of the life force, the transition will greatly accelerate and your perceptions will begin to easily encompass higher dimensional experiences.
Meanwhile, each of you who can do it alone makes it easier for the others. We must all cooperate in this recalibration. Be sure to “save” your work to the program for this galaxy. Just as you must save your work before you exit a file on your computer, save the experience of recalibration in your mind/computer before you return to your mundane world. If you do not save it, you can forget it like it never happened. Grounding your efforts with a third dimensional art form and sharing that form with others can best accomplish this “saving” process.
The process that we are undertaking is beyond language. As each one of my inhabitants grounds their experiences through their creative force, it becomes a “normal” component of the third dimension. That allows the other inhabitants to share their experiences. When they, in turn, save their response by running it through their creative force, the process becomes more familiar and more a part of the mundane experience of the mass consciousness.
What is familiar is safe and is less likely to initiate fear. Fear is like a virus in the computer, and it can corrupt all files in your mind/computer. Then all that would be left would be your original programs of limitation and separation. However, I hold no fear of that possibility for I see ALL of my inhabitants contributing to this frequency shift. The first dimensional rocks and minerals are raising their vibration as well as the second dimensional plant kingdom and the third dimensional animal kingdom.
Many of the “extinct” plants and animals have merely moved into the fourth dimension because they could no longer tolerate the lower frequency of the third dimension. However, they send their essence into the third dimension to assist it in its process. Many “dead” humans and other higher mammals are also contributing their higher dimensional essence to the vibratory rate of my third dimensional form.
Now, together, we can all cooperate in creating a slow and safe return to our higher dimensional selves by grounding the higher vibrations into this dimension to stretch the frequency net beyond its “limitations.” With every step, the next step becomes easier. The secret is to share your experiences with each other. Come out from hiding NOW.
You are my Spiritual Warriors and I thank each and every one of you for battling your own darkness.