We come to you as:
“All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension”
We are All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension. We are the group consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. We call ourselves ACEA because the combination of these four letters has the highest resonance. We represent the grounding of fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness upon third and fourth dimensional Earth.
We are always in search of another conscious member. We say “conscious” because EVERYONE on the planet has a fifth dimensional self and EVERY fifth dimensional being of earth is a member of ACEA. ACEA is not a club which one has to join. ACEA is a resonance, translated into a word, which represents the combined consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. Upon the fifth dimension there is no other way.
All consciousnesses are joined in conscious communication at all times, much like you are now becoming joined with your cell phones and other communication devices. However, just as you are individuals, we too are individuals except that we do not need cell phones or any other mechanical devices to commune and communicate with each other.
Let us take you on a journey to the fifth dimensional Earth. Yes, we feel your confusion because some writings talk about the “forming fifth dimensional Earth”. But, of course, you know that it is the lower dimensions that are formed from the higher ones—not the other way around. Therefore, the fifth dimension has been in existence since before the existence of the third and fourth dimensions.
We are aware that you must continue with your day. We shall return when you are ready to communicate with us further.
Until then,
Greetings from ACEA
Greetings from ACEA.
Yes, we do exist. We are real. We are representatives of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light with whom you first established connection when you began to communicate with the higher dimensions via the inner planes. We are different from “aliens” in that all of us have earth bodies. We are, however, also “alien” because we all have been able to connect with at least some of our “off world” personas who live on the higher dimensions of other planets.
We are happy that you have found time to join us in a tour of fifth dimensional Earth. As we have told you before, fifth dimensional Earth has always existed. Creation travels from the higher dimensions down into the lower dimensions. Therefore, if there is a third dimensional Earth, than there has to be a fifth dimensional Earth. Our task is to consciously connect the two worlds. There is a fourth dimension between the two which some call the Astral Plane. We, however, lump the Astral Plane with the Physical Plane.
When we speak of conscious connection with the two worlds, it is actually three worlds: physical (third dimension), astral (fourth dimension), and the fifth dimension. We call fifth dimensional Earth, Gaia, because Gaia is the Soul Name for Earth. The Soul of Earth is fifth dimensional just like the Souls of all of Her inhabitants. Therefore, whenever we refer to Gaia, we are referring to fifth dimensional Earth.
I think we have all of the introductions taken care of except to remind you that we are a Group Consciousness. This is why we refer to ourselves as “we”. You are automatically a portion of that “we” because you are able to consciously communicate with us. There is no initiation or ritual needed to enter our group. All you have to do is be consciously aware of our presence and interact with us in whichever way you prefer. If your creative force flows most naturally through your writing, then that would be your avenue of expression. Others may communicate with us and ground the force of our fifth dimensional energy through dance, music, art, etc.
Now, are you ready for your journey to the fifth dimension?
Actually, you are not going to journey to the fifth dimension. Instead you are going to bring the fifth dimension to you. Start with your room. As you look around you see that it is the same but also subtly different. Yes, that is a waterfall in the corner and those are real flowers growing around it. Each person in the fifth dimension creates their living space exactly as they wish. You wish your space to be full of running water, plants, birds, and animal life. You can hear how the music softly enhances the melody of the waterfall. You do not need a bathroom because you don’t need to eliminate or bathe in this dimension.
You will see as you turn the corner that where your shower used to be is a lovely, clear pond with warm or cool water, depending on your needs. The area of your third dimensional mirror is, is now a waterfall. See how the waterfall flows into the crystal clear pond. There are also many lovely ferns that grow naturally along the waterfall and the pond. Just above the pond is a reflective surface. Look into it now and see your fifth dimensional body. Isn’t it lovely? It is golden and it glows and radiates a beautiful light.
Your fifth dimensional body is about the same size and shape, except that you are about an earth foot taller. You are a bit leaner, but it is difficult to tell as you aura is a continuation of your body and your size expands and contracts according to your activity.
When you are traveling the inner path to the higher worlds, you aura is smaller; it is being held close to you because you are in “inflow” and pulling the light into you. When you are in “outflow” and radiating the light outward from you for healing or creating (which is the same thing in this world), your aura becomes very large and it is difficult to determine exactly where your body is within the glow of your aura.
We will stop for now. First, concentrate on grounding one small area of the fifth dimension at a time. It is best to choose the area in which you meditate for that will have the highest resonant frequency. Every time when you enter this room, practice seeing your fifth dimensional world. When it becomes natural for that room to appear fifth dimensional, return to us again.
We await our next communication with the Joy of Union.
The first rule of manifesting a fifth dimensional reality is:
The second rule is:
Now, let us look again at your fifth dimensional world. Close your eyes first and see your fifth dimensional world with your mind. Believe in this world. Love this world. Now open your eyes and again look at your third dimensional room with your physical eyes. Simultaneously, look at the fifth dimensional world with your mind—looking through your eyes. Again, believe in the vision of your mind and love that vision.
Do you see again the waterfall that begins in your dressing area? Can you hear it flow into the lovely flower-surrounded pool? The waterfall is made of waters of light and it radiates lovely fifth dimensional colors and beautiful tones and melodies as it falls upon the crystal rocks of the waterfall.
The pool responds to your thoughts and can be warm or cool, still or churning, depending upon your desire. The view out of your window, which is directly next to you, is of beautiful redwood trees or the ocean, again depending upon your desire. Your desk and computer is your communication center where you can contact any starship, star system, or other earthlings. You can also do it telepathically if you go into a meditative state.
Gradually, the fifth dimensional world will no longer be a realm to imagine, it will be the place where you live. The transition is gradual so that each of you can slowly release your thoughts of limitation and feelings of fear. In fact, at first the fifth dimensional world will flicker in and out of you awareness. As long as you are able to remain calm and detached from the third and fourth dimensional dramas around you, you will experience a moment of calm joy.
Then, within that moment, the fifth dimension will appear. For as long as you can maintain your higher state of consciousness, the lens to your inner eye will allow you to click into the fifth dimension. You will continue what you are doing except that you will do it in a higher dimensional manner. For example, if you are eating and click into the fifth dimension, you will find yourself in a correlate fifth dimensional location. This fifth dimensional location will be much more beautiful and the activity will subtly change.
Since there is no need to eat on the fifth dimension, you will instead be nourishing yourself in a fifth dimensional way. For example, if you are eating with friends or family, instead of putting food into your mouths, you will be able to feel the nourishing experience of sharing Light with loved ones. If you are alone, you may instead be meditating, moving your form in a creative and joyful way. Or you may simply be breathing in the Spirit that is within the Light of the fifth dimensional world.
We capitalize the word “light” here because fifth dimensional Light is very different from third dimensional light. Light on the fifth dimension is alive with consciousness and can change forms with your desire or with its function. For example, the waters of light on the fifth dimension appear to be fluid but they are truly made of Light in a liquid form. Light her can take any form to appear like water, land, sky, flowers, animals, human, etc. This light can take any form that is comfortable for the third dimensional beings with whom they are communicating.
This waters of light can also be into your system as a form of nourishment, and you can swim under “water” for as long as you desire. When beings first come to the fifth dimension, they usually need to “eat” until they can believe that nourishment is free and automatic and that they do not need to hold any intention towards eating. The need to partake of another life form, whether it is animal or plant, is one of the most difficult changes for new arrivals. This is because of the “fear of survival” that creates a “hunger”.
“Fear of survival” is a base program that is established for all third dimensional life forms. If you did not have fear of survival, or rather fear that you will not survive, you would not take the necessary precautions to continue your physical existence. It is a program that is very difficult to override, even when your body is no longer three-dimensional.
Now allow us to tell you how to enter our world. Joy and peace is the state of consciousness that is necessary to access our reality. Much like one has to choose a number to receive a radio station, you must choose a state of consciousness to access this reality. Therefore, detachment from the fears and dramas of you physical life is vital. Of course, you cannot deny what is happening around you because it is real. What you must do instead is to see the higher dimension of it.
Just as you have been instructed to see your higher dimensional bedroom, you will begin to see the higher dimension of every aspect of your personal life and of the world about you. For example, let us look at politics. Allow yourself to see the higher dimensional aspects of that conflict, whether it is bombings, famine, or political unrest.
Whenever there are great numbers of deaths, there will be many beings crossing over into the fourth or fifth dimension. Many people’s beliefs are so entrenched in the third dimension that they “believe” they must go through a physical death in order to accept a new reality. Therefore, for them, it is true. Some people are able to believe that they can experience the higher dimensions without dying, but they believe that they must go through a symbolic death first. Therefore, that is true for them. Upon the third dimension you have the belief that death is leaving life, but to us upon the fifth dimension, “death” is returning to life.
Because the consciousness of the masses is quickly shifting, there will be political unrest. As each person changes their personal consciousness they will wish to change the group consciousness as well. The fifth dimensional correlate of politics is a harmonious and united group consciousness. If there is truly a group consciousness, then an external government will not be necessary. As each person embraces Unconditional Love and moves into the fifth dimension, they will have complete rule over their own lower, selfish urges. No external system of rule is necessary when all members of the society can rule themselves. Furthermore, when reality is instantly created by your own thoughts and emotions, if you do not wish to share in the experience that those around you are having, you simply change you mind.
The second rule of fifth dimensional manifestation is that “Love Creates”. Love yourself, your activity (whether it is paying a bill or meditating), love what you desire and you will manifest it in your reality. Remember, all that you see is a product of the illusion that has been created by the group hologram in which you live. As you change your personal hologram, you will connect with others who also wish to live within that hologram. You will then serve as a model to others who are wishing to change their hologram.
This ends our transmission for today. Please remember to carry us in your awareness and feel our love. If you can remember to keep the fifth dimension alive in your mind, then you will manifest it in your life. Remember: WHAT IS IN YOUR MIND—IS IN YOUR LIFE.
See now how your present world and your fifth dimensional world are connected. Feel the high vibration of you fifth dimensional reality and pull that consciousness into your third dimensional world. Good, now see your fifth dimensional room around you. Can your hear the waterfall and the birds chirping? Do you see the other animals that share your room with you? They, too, do not need to eat or eliminate and, therefore, do not cause you work or effort. Some of these animals in your fifth dimensional room do not exist in your physical world. This is also true of some of the flowers and the beautiful colors that they emanate.
As you sit in your fifth dimensional room, feel how your shoulders relax and your heart opens. Your breath is slow and easy and you can hear the music of the spheres. Feel the deep love that resonates from our world. Believe that our Love will assist you in manifesting all that you desire. Now, take this feeling into your day and carry it with you. This expanded self is who you truly are. The portion of you that appears to be limited, separate, or even afraid, is an illusion. It does not exist.
We know that it is difficult for you to comprehend that whom you presently see as yourself, is only an illusion and not your true self. Therefore, allow us to explain how this is true. You see, you—all of you upon the lower dimensions—are also here with us upon the fifth dimension. You went down into the physical plane and got scared. You see it was fear that made you forget. Fear caused you forget to believe that you are really fifth dimensional, and fear caused you forget to Love yourself and love the reason you came to third dimensional Earth.
You have all waited and prepared for many lives for this wonderful opportunity to be able to consciously raise your consciousness into the fifth dimension—with the ENTIRE PLANET. What an opportunity! But, you all forgot. Worst of all, fear made you break the connection to your true fifth dimensional self. We of ACEA are like lifeguards throwing our lines to those who are drowning in their forgetfulness. Grab that line. Keep the connection.
Go now into your daily life and KEEP THE CONNECTION.
In Love
There are malefic forces in your world at this time. All that you have read about your dimension and your particular space/time quadrant is true, and much more. You see, the final curtain call is about to be made and all the factions that have participated in the third dimensional experiment are wanting to “get what they can” while the getting is still good.
Soon, they will only be able to stay on the planet if they can hold the vibration of Unconditional Love. Nothing in their technology and society has prepared them for this energy field. Those of you who have sought to clear yourselves and raise your consciousness have seen the degree of preparation that your physical form has had to undergo. You have all felt how difficult it is to function with an open heart. You have all experienced how difficult it is to release the armor that has been shielding your heart, and your Atma within your heart, from the dangers of the external world.
The many fearful warnings are important because an enlightened person must not hide in denial. However, do not underestimate the power of Love. This power is greater than any weapon because it allows you to raise your vibration, as well as the vibration of all that you love, above the danger of ANY malefic force. You see the fifth dimension is not a place. The fifth dimension is a vibration. Anyone who cannot hold the fifth dimensional vibration will return to the “place” that resonates to his or her personal vibration. Anyone who would do harm to another is not living in the vibration of love, and they will be unable to maintain any experience of the fifth dimension.
In order to maintain connection with your fifth dimensional reality, you must totally and completely love EVERY aspect of your self. Any area of your self that you do not love, consciously or unconsciously, lowers your vibration. Therefore, your most important assignment is to continue to remember that you are a being of love. Then, test that love against fear, and gather all the information that you feel you must, without fear. Test your ability to know the truth without becoming frightened.
We shall all accomplish our Divine Mission as One. You see now that total individuality can cause horrible cruelties. However, total group, or hive mind, can do the same. As with all levels of realities, it is the “in-between” or “balance point”, that is the pathway Home. We wish you a loving good bye for now.
We have heard your call for further communication. Your physical, third dimensional world has made it difficult for you to communicate with us, has it not? Be not concerned. Remember that time is an illusion. Begin to switch your thinking to fifth dimensional “time”. In other words, begin to allow your self to transcend time and begin to live in the NOW.
In the NOW, there is no hurry because there is no future appointment. There is no fatigue because there has been no past effort. There is only the NOW in which you are calm, peaceful and joyous.
Take a moment in the NOW to feel calm, feel peace, feel joy. Within that moment, time does not move forward and the past does not impinge upon your consciousness.
While in this state – NOW – click into fifth dimensional consciousness. See the fifth dimensional world around you and feel how it is different. Feel your own creative force as you choose the reality that you are NOW creating.
Feel the power of these words and embed them in your consciousness.
Calm—feel the stillness of your mind and the balance of your emotional body. See a perfectly still pond before you with the sun rising from behind it. This pond is the vision of the Calm that you feel.
Peace—feel the peace that lives in your heart and warms you like a hug. It looks like a forest morning with a flower filled meadow glistening through the trees.
Joy—feel the joy as it bubbles up from deep within your unconscious. Joy is the feeling of your inner child laughing at the many new discoveries of life. She is running across a beautiful field with a small animal following her and birds leading the way.
LOVE—yes Love, feels like a cozy blanket that is wrapped tightly around you while you are rocked in the lap of the Great Mother.
You are the planet.
See the world around you as vividly as you see your arms and legs.
This is the beginning of your day. When you have learned to live the life that we are sharing with you, you will be able to share it with others.
Good-bye for now, We will return upon your call.
We hear your call. Are you ready for your next adventure with fifth dimensional earth? We know that your mind has experienced difficulty in centering due to the illusion of hardships. You have chosen to dedicate yourself to the process of consciously stepping into the fifth dimension and you must choose to consecrate a large portion of your “time” to accomplishing what you have set out for yourself. Do you remember how you dedicated virtually all of your time for your initiations in your other Initiate Lives? Then you did not have to “go to work”, “pay your bills”, or “do the wash”. All of your attention, all of the time, was dedicated to your process of ascension into the higher dimensions.
In the Mystery School of your present space/time quadrant, you must take care of your mundane life WHILE you ALSO progress on your spiritual path. There are some, of course, who have chosen to create a life in which they do not have to “work”. However, if your mission is to teach others how to walk the road into the fifth dimension while living their every day life, you will have to first do so yourself. You must learn it before you can teach it.
For many of you who have chosen to walk this path, you have also chosen to not work too hard. Unfortunately, this choice depletes your finances. However, many of you have a belief that one must “work hard” to make money. Since what you believe in your mind, you live in your life, you may wish to change that belief. Allow us to teach you how LOVE of what you desire will allow your desire to manifest. Then you do not need to be distracted by your “fear of survival”.
The first lesson to remember in your mission of integrating the fifth dimension into your everyday, mundane life is to remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. If there is still fear embedded in your consciousness, your higher self will create an external situation in your life to bring that fear to the surface. Have faith that you are totally upon your path and that EVERY experience, even if it is unpleasant, is a component of that path. Go now into your deepest unconscious to uproot that fear.
From the fifth dimension, you have complete access to the “lower” vibrations of your consciousness. See yourself now walking down the stairs into the cave of your forgotten fears. Gather them all about you and bring them to the surface. If you voluntarily bring your fears to the surface of your consciousness on a consistent and regular basis, you will not need to create drama in your life to bring them forward.
Oh yes, there it is, the fear of not being good enough. See that young child. You just cut your hair and now you are sorry. What do you have to cover yourself with? Must you now face you world exposed for all to see. That is the fear is it not? You are about to step into the world and expose yourself. That is why you are afraid. You can therefore create a drama so that you will be so anxious and depressed that you can’t possibly think of exposing your true self to others.
Oh, there is another fear, the fear that you will not be taken care of. That fear has many faces, does it not? See the little child who was abandoned by so many early in life. If you could not depend on these people to be caretakers, how can you depend on others as an adult? How can you take the risk of depending on us, ACEA?
Look now for one final fear. Yes, it is the fear of corruptibility. If you go into the world and have success, will you then become tainted and unable to stay spiritually pure? In addition, will your life be filled with doing things you do not want to do, or that you are afraid of doing? Well, you ARE going to fulfill your mission, you and everyone who reads these words. Your Souls would not have signed up for this mission if they were not equipped to complete it.
See these three fears now and LOVE them. You are good enough, you can depend on yourself, and on us, and you will NOT be corrupted. You, all of you, will complete your mission. BELIEVE IT—LOVE IT. Trust your inner vision. TRUST the universe and TRUST your SELF.
Now, are you ready for another journey into fifth dimensional earth? Good!
See yourself on your beach walk. See how the ocean is subtly different. It glistens and sparkles in colors that are just a bit different from your third dimensional ocean. Do you see the ocean’s aura? Is it not beautiful? The ocean’s aura radiates all the way up to the stratosphere. The assignment of the whales and dolphins is to clear the ocean’s aura. It is the assignment of humans to clear the land’s aura. As you walk along the beach, observe how you can clear the land’s aura. You like to walk right at the ocean’s edge because you like to feel the aura of the land meeting the ocean. Is it not a delicious blend?
A large component of becoming fifth dimensional is being totally conscious of your higher senses. To do this, you must guard against becoming frightened and anxious in your mundane world. Do you recall Calm, Peace, Joy and Love? When you are afraid, remember that your Soul is assisting you in becoming fifth dimensional by creating a drama that brings forward EVERY hidden fear.
It is the hidden fears that drop your vibration because you are not aware enough to balance them with love. When your vibration drops, you are lowered out of the fifth dimension. As your consciousness becomes more fifth dimensional, you instantly manifest every fearful thought and emotion in your external world so that you may clear them.
Now to continue our fifth dimensional walk, stoop down and feel the sand. It feels different because instead of being very small pieces of sand, dirt, shells, and rock, the “sand” is actually small bits of crystal. See how the sand glistens when the sun reflects through it. Now step into the water up to your ankles. See how perfectly clear it is and feel how calming and soothing its vibration is. Yes, it is actually liquid light. Listen now. As the liquid light meets with the crystal sand there is a soft melody and a rainbow of fifth dimensional colors.
Now look at your fifth dimensional hand before your face. See how its aura sparkles, like the crystal sand. As you move your hand, it leaves a trail of rainbow colors behind it. Look at the trail and see how you can change the colors with your mind. Now touch your third dimensional heart with your fifth dimensional hand. Feel how it heals your fears. As you move throughout your day now, be aware of every second of fear and instantly heal it by placing your fifth dimensional hand upon your third dimensional heart.
That is all for today. Visit the ocean soon and see it fifth dimensionally.
We appreciate the difficulty that you are having in allowing ALL of your hidden fears to rise to the surface. Of course, you have discovered that your hidden fears are the same ones that you always knew about—only deeper. By deeper we mean, they are fears that are a component of your primal nature—your animal self.
Do you remember the dream that you had many years ago about running from someone and hiding in a pig’s body? Well, the pig’s body was the symbolism for your animal body. Many third dimensionals have talked about the inner child; well, there is also the outer animal. Remember how it felt in the “dream” when you started to run in the pig’s body and then you began to see the world from the pig’s perspective instead of from your own. You began to see the ground first and you had to bend you neck to see the sky. That is the problem on the third dimension—sometimes you get so involved in what is happening on the ground that you forget to look up.
If you want to return to the higher dimensions, you will have to be willing, and able, to completely “let go” of the physical world. This is very difficult to do because it feels just like dying. However, in your conscious mind you cannot remember dying. Therefore, the experience ignites your deep unconscious mind where the memory of death (and birth) lives. In many lives, you died with fear in your consciousness. Therefore, just before you get to the place of totally letting go, an extreme fear—the fear of death—comes to the surface. This experience can be very confusing because it doesn’t appear to your conscious, third dimensional mind that you are dying, and you cannot understand why you are having such extreme fear.
To consciously step into the fifth dimension, that is, without dying, you will have to heal every experience in every third and fourth dimensional life in which you died in fear. Now we know that sounds like a monumental task, but you do not have to look at each of those lives individually. You can work on a feeling level by allowing yourself to consciously feel the sum total of all your experiences of dying in fear. This is done in a piece-meal manner. You will allow the feeling to come forward as long as you can stand it, and then you will break off the drama and recover while you balance that fear with love.
Yes, you are in control. You all are choosing to “have a problem” for as long as you can stand the fear that the “problem” uncovers. You “turn the problem off” by choosing another experience. The catch is that third dimensional life has taught you well how to create difficulties but has fallen short in teaching you how to create happiness and love. However, it is the task of the third dimension to create difficult situations so that you will be forced to look up, out of the pig’s body, and into the sky (higher dimensions) to find the answer.
The answer is always LOVE. Love will raise your consciousness above the illusion of the third dimension and allow you to remember who you truly are. You are all great light beings who have journeyed to the third dimension at this special time to assist the Lady Gaia in Her Ascension. She has served you many, many lifetimes as a schoolroom for the training of you gods and goddesses. Now it is your turn to assist Her and yourselves as well. When you raise en mass into the fifth dimension, you will all experience the fulfillment of your destiny.
We are with you,
You have been doing well at managing your fears. Remember that you can slow down the process whenever it becomes too difficult. It is best to set a slow, steady pace that you can maintain rather than putting yourself into crisis. If you move too fast, you will bring up more fear than you can manage and you may even chose to terminate your process. Do not forget that “time” is an illusion. There is no hurry. Relax and set a pace that is comfortable yet challenging. Then you will remain strong enough to allow your deep, primal fears access to your conscious mind—even when there appears to be no “reason”.
You must feel self-confident in order to allow your primal fears to rise to the surface without a reason, otherwise it can make you feel like you are “going crazy”. That is when you must remember that you have made an agreement with your deepest inner self to allow the process of release to continue without any external catalyst. When you can allow your fears to surface without a catalyst, your Soul will not need to create dramas for these fears to express themselves.
In order to face your deepest fears in this manner, you must constantly remember that that you are a multidimensional being; these experiences are emotions, thoughts, and feelings that are entering your consciousness from other dimensions of yourself.
For example, you are all currently releasing fears from your fourth dimensional selves. If you can hold that understand, you can allow these fears to come the surface of your knowing. Observe these fears as they surface and do not become attached to them. Listen to the voices of fear as calmly as you listen to us, your fellow members of the fifth dimension.
How can you stay functional on the third dimension with all of these voices going on in your head? Yes, that is the challenge. The answer is that you learn to put them all in a hierarchical categorization. The messages that are most immediate to your activity will be at the front of your awareness, and the ones that are furthest from your activity, or that most interfere with your activity, will be placed further back in your consciousness.
However, you must make a deal with yourself that you are willing to hear all of them at some time. The ones that are “put away” because they interfere with your life must be brought up in your meditations so that they can be cleared. If you do not keep your promise to yourself to deal with those feelings later, they will continue to interfere with your daily life. In this way, you will not be allowing portions of your awareness to become “unconscious” and you will be teaching yourself to be multidimensional.
The secret of multidimensional consciousness is to know which message comes from which dimension. If you were in a room filled with people and could not tell which person was speaking to you, you would become very confused. If everyone were talking at once, you would hear the “noise” of all these mixed voices. You may even stop the communications because it would be too frustrating for you. Then you would focus on any particular person to understand what their voice was saying.
That is the key to multidimensional consciousness; you must learn to recognize where each communication is coming from and focus your attention upon that voice so that you can understand what it is saying and which part of you is saying it. Some of your messages will be in words, others in feelings, and others in pictures.
Eventually, you will be able to focus and understand your communication with more than one Being at a time. You will learn to split your focus into more than one communication without diminishing your ability to understand each. This process begins by learning to identify the source of each communication so that you can decide if you wish to you focus your attention upon that message, or “save” it for later processing.
Take a moment now and listen to these multiple messages. Learning to be fifth dimensional is not escaping the third dimension; it is learning to be completely conscious and responsible at all times for what you hold in you awareness. If there are any emotions or thoughts that threaten to lower your vibration, you need to be instantly aware of them so that you can balance them with your unconditional love force. Conditional love, alone, is not powerful enough because conditional love is laced with fear. Only unconditional love is totally accepting and forgiving. You can then use your unconditional love to neutralize the fear of any voices that threaten to lower your vibration.
We know that this feels like a huge task at this time. However, with practice it becomes an unconscious act, like driving. When you drive the car, you are not thinking about the constant vigil that you keep until there is a danger. Then, you instinctively react by turning, braking, etc. Eventually, your mental monitoring system will be as natural as driving a car. Whenever something or someone—external or internal—threatens to lower your vibration, it comes into your awareness and you react. Gradually, it will take less and less effort to monitor the negative influences and you will be able to expand you resonant consciousness to encompass higher and higher dimensions.
That is all for today. We will return upon your request.
Unconditional love always,