The third door is marked: THOUGHTS
We knock.
As the door opens, a message is displayed:
Our thoughts come into focus as our self-talk becomes conscious. This ability allows us to take responsibility for our thoughts as we realize that we can choose which thoughts we allow to dwell in our minds. We learn that when we choose to think positive, our self-confidence grows and our thinking shifts from problem-oriented to solution-oriented. Old core beliefs break down and we respond with new behavior rather than acting in old, habitual ways. When we are no longer victims, we can respond rather than react because we think before we speak or act.
The Thoughts Door in the Conscious Section represents the Sixth Chakra. The Sixth Chakra is also known as the Third Eye. Our Third Eye is the mind screen for our inner vision. As the Kundalini rises into the Sixth Chakra, our Third Eye will begin to open. Then the “Doorway to our Inner Life” will open as well. However, in order to step across the threshold of that door, we must raise our consciousness beyond the fear for survival and choose to direct our thinking towards expansion of our sense of self. In other words, we must learn to raise our consciousness by choosing our thoughts.
Consciousness is a series of vibrations determined by what has held our attention. Our mind can only absorb and retain that which vibrates at the same rate as the majority of our thoughts. We raise and lower the vibratory action of our awareness many times a day by the choices of what we allow to reside in our conscious mind and to seep into our unconscious mind.
The subtle, rapid vibrations of the higher dimensions are octaves above the frequency of our familiar, third dimensional world. Consequently, they usually cannot enter the conscious mind, as they are not compatible with the wavelength within our brain. Fearful thoughts lower our vibration like dirt in clear water. In order to clear the fearful thinking from our consciousness, we must be willing to “listen to our thoughts” and replace our negative, fearful thinking with positive, loving thoughts. This constant cleansing of our thoughts forces us to acknowledge our fearful thinking before it hides in our unconscious mind. Then we can maintain positive thinking and learn to maintain a higher resonate frequency of our everyday thinking.
How can we raise the vibratory rate of our thinking?
- We can carefully select the material and substance to which our senses are directed.
- We can consciously feel and release hidden fearful feelings and thoughts.
- We can read, talk about, and expect experiences from the higher dimensions.
- We can establish a constant and intimate communication system between our inner and outer worlds.
- We can integrate our higher consciousness into our mundane life.
- We can meditate often to awaken our inner senses and calibrate our outer senses to the higher realms