There are seven different spheres of consciousness that encircle and radiate out from the Heart of All That Is. These spheres are called the Aura of God. The Angelic, Devic and Human Kingdoms all inhabit each of the spheres. Upon each of these spheres, there is a Temple or Mystery School where we can travel in our higher bodies to expand our consciousness and embrace the quality of each sphere.
The First Sphere
The first Sphere represents the Heart of Creation, the Oneness. Here is born every idea, plan and blessing which will one day manifest in the physical world. The inhabitants serve to carry on the outward course of Divine Ideas to the periphery of the First Sphere. Here a Messenger of the Second Sphere waits like a runner in a relay race to carry that ideal into its sphere.
In the Mystery Temple in the First Sphere, we learn the Power of attuning to Divine Will.
The Second Sphere
The Celestial Inhabitants of the Second Sphere most lovingly receive the Cosmic Messages and Ideas from the Heart of the Oneness. Once received, they illuminate these Ideas as they clothe them in the form and substance of both their own Light and the Universal Light from the atmosphere of this realm. Thus, the seed of the Father falls on the fertile ground of the Mother and begins to take definite form. These “formed ideas” in turn pass onward to the receptive consciousness and the atmosphere of the Third Realm.
In the Mystery Temple in the Second Sphere, we learn the Wisdom of creating a matrix or form, for Divine Will.
The Third Sphere
In the Third Sphere, the essence of life is imparted to the thought-forms that have descended from the First and Second Spheres. A Divine Idea that was created in the First Sphere and was then clothed in form in the Second Sphere to transform that Idea into a “thought-form.” This thought-form must now be filled with the “consciousness” of the Third Sphere. In other words, the form of the Wise Mother has embraced the will of the Powerful Father to create the consciousness of their child of Love. Hence, the Three Fold Flame of Wisdom, Power and Love have been ignited to create the beginnings of manifestation.
The Third Sphere vitalizes all manifestations that will ever externalize onto the Physical Plane. Like a prism, the activity of the Third Sphere divides the combined radiations from the First, Second and Third Spheres into four subdivisions. The emissaries of the Third Sphere then “step-down” the vibrations of each Divine Idea to whichever of the four lower Rays can best materialize that Idea into a physical reality.
In the Mystery Temple of the Third Sphere, we learn how to give consciousness to Divine Ideas with the force of Love.
The Fourth Sphere
When the living, embodied thought-form enters the Fourth Sphere, it is absorbed by any receptive consciousnesses that are interested in the process of ascension. Through the endeavors of many lives, these beings serve to project this ideal to the inhabitants of the physical world.
In the Mystery Temple of the Fourth Sphere, we learn to identify our mission and our “reason for embodiment.”
The Fifth Sphere
The seed ideas of Truth and scientific and medical research are scattered in the Fifth Realm to be received by any receptive consciousness. Those studying in the Fifth Sphere Mystery Temples of Science receive this information and project it into the minds and hearts of the selfless ones that are working in these areas on earth. In order to widen the circle of manifest expression, these blessings are then pulsated outward to await transmission into the Sixth Sphere.
In the Mystery Temple of the Fifth Sphere, we learn about Divine Science and Truth.
The Sixth Sphere
Within the Sixth Sphere are the causative centers of religion and devotional or emotional worship. In this Sphere dwells the great Celestial Choirs, which project inspiration to those who have responded to the calling of being a religious or spiritual leader.
In the Mystery Temple of the Sixth Sphere, we learn to enhance our qualities of devotion and faith and to peacefully administer to the needs of the moment.
The Seventh Sphere
The Seventh Sphere holds the etheric pattern of every manifestation of the Divine Plan which has been lowered rhythmically through the six preceding spheres. Therefore, it is literally bursting with all the good things that have been handed down from one sphere to another. It is on the Seventh Sphere that the Divine Plans await expression in the physical world.
This is the Sphere just above the human octave of limitation and imperfection, and it is the contact point between our inner reception of Divine Ideas and our outer realization of those ideas. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Seventh Ray to provide a way and means by which humanity may unite its consciousness with the consciousness of the inner spheres.
This process is best accomplished through the use of the Violet Fire. The Violet Fire is the Light of the Seventh Sphere and consequently holds the vibration and energy pattern of that Sphere. Through calling upon the Violet Fire to surround any third-dimensional imperfections or fears, we can step-up, or transmute, the energy pattern of that third dimensional incident to the vibration and energy pattern of the Seventh Sphere. We may call upon this Fire with the mantra of:
Transmuting ALL Shadow into
As we use the Violet Fire more and more to raise the lower vibrations, we raise our personal vibration as well.
The Seventh Sphere is also the first sphere which we first enter as our Soul ascends back into the Heart of the One. In the Mystery Temple of this Sphere, we learn to use our consciousness to infuse Divine Perfection into our physical world.