Dearest One,
We are you—all of the “you” that you have ever been and ever will be. Feel us inside you now. Feel us as the essence that never changes. Go deep, deep inside, to find us. Yes, through all of your lives and through all of your realities, there is a fundamental nature that is constant. We know that it is difficult to describe this feeling in language, but if you try to, it will help you be aware of it in your present reality. Try now, first feel this core, then describe it as best as you can.
I will try…
There is a quiet breeze deep inside my core…
That is inside the core…
of the core…
which is the core…
of my core…
The essence is familiar yet unrecognizable. It is like an aroma from long ago that arouses a feeling, but the memory that is the feeling’s source eludes me. I see this essence now as it slips through a doorway and then another and another. Yes, there are many doorways to my many realities. However, I do not see the realities. I only see only the essence, like a ghost, moving swiftly through hundreds, perhaps thousands, of doors. This ghostly mist leaves each doorway open with its passage.
The doorways are ALL open now. There are more than I can count. This essence that I seek is a gossamer string that ties the doorways together like pearls on a necklace. The necklace is in a circle as huge as the universe. Slowly, the circle with all the doorways on it shifts and moves as it swirls through different densities and vibrations. It moves up and down like a feather in the wind. There are many other feathers that shift and swirl with it. Some of these feathers are different and some are so much alike that they must have come from the same bird.
Indeed, I see now that there is a flock of birds just above me. The feathers that feel like the same essence as mine are indeed falling from the same bird. No, it is not a bird. It is an angel, a flock of angels. Above them there is the nest that all these angel birds share. The nest is made of a light that shimmers and moves like the aurora borealis. The light is violet in color and radiates from an origin that is beyond my perception though I know there is a Source. It is this Source that ties together all the angel birds, all their feathers and all the circles with all the doorways, of All-the-ALL.
As I float into this Source that I cannot perceive, I feel my essence blend with all the other essences. Then, in a burst of light, there is a feeling of unity, a moment of recognition, a whisper of promise. The promise is a secret, a puzzle, and a labyrinth.
I know that if I follow this labyrinth
I will solve the puzzle
and find the secret—
the secret of my SELF.
THEN, I am back!
What has happened?
Dearest One,
Do not doubt. Look again to the first doorway.
I will try…
I see the first door before me. It opens to the right and stands slightly ajar. Streams of violet light peek through the opening. I reach again into the light, but now the experience is different. Before the light took me up, higher and higher. This time the light takes me down, deeper and deeper as it is absorbed into my body.
I see and experience it in two ways. Simultaneously, I perceive from my eyes and also from my body as I see the light begin to run up my right finger, the finger that touched the light. I see the light, but also, I am the light. I feel myself like a drop of water in a stream of violet liquid light. I flow slowly through the territory that I have always known as my physical form. However, I have never experienced it from the inside before.
I am floating in a river deep inside an underground cave. The waters are violet and the circular walls of the cave are shades of red and orange. I am an essence without the definition of form while I am also the form that encompasses the essence.
I see now from both perspectives as the violet light travels up my right arm, across my shoulder, down my collarbone, and slowly into my heart. Then it runs simultaneously down to my third chakra, my second chakra, and into my root chakra as it also runs up into my throat chakra, into my third eye and, finally, my crown.
For a long moment all is infinitely still. Time is suspended as my body adjusts to a sensation that is totally unique yet completely familiar. Slowly I feel the light ooze down my legs and deep into the skin of Gaia. It also flows into my left arm and hand as well as into all areas of my brain. Time means nothing and space has lost all connotation as I continue to perceive from two different perspectives. From outside I see the light entering every cell and atom of my form while internally I feel myself flow through cavern, after cavern, after cavern.
I can no longer stand. I find that I must lie down on my couch. The couch has its same cool texture and warm comfort, but I am different. Now I do not feel myself lying on the couch. The couch and I are merging into different forms of matter. Some of this matter is of my own essence and some of it has only the essence that I have imprinted upon it. No wait, it is alive as well and it is my imprinting that awoke it into consciousness.
I return to my inner perspective and find another doorway. It is ajar with violet light peering through its opening just like the doorway I had touched long before time stood still. The door opens wide and calls me to enter. I am now in a small body and the door is huge. I float right through the middle of the door and into a darkness that is denser that I could ever imagine. But wait, is that a spark of light I see in the distance? Yes, the blackness has turned to a charcoal gray and the source of the light is now evident. I continue my journey and see that the light is oscillating within itself. Closer I zoom in until at last I see that the light is a nucleus with its orbiting electrons and protons.
I move through the electrons and protons like a space ship flying through the rings of Saturn. Straight into the core I go. After my long journey through the void of darkness, the light is blinding, but gradually I adjust to it. Something is dancing in the light. Couples with long angular bodies like snakes are joining. Yes it is the DNA finding its other strand.
I grab a strand as I float by and I am instantly pulled onto a stairway filled with molecules. Again couples are finding each other. I am now a slithering snake filled with the recipes for life. I feel it as my essence. Slowly, my vision blurs as all awareness fades from me. I can no longer subsist in such an alien environment.
Impulsively, my eyes fly open and I look onto the familiar ceiling which has long been my protector. I look towards the door to my room. It is closed. There is no light breaking through its door jam. It is dark, yet I see perfectly. It is as though I wear a miner’s hat with the light going out before me. The light, of course, is violet. First the light is a dim mist. Then, gradually, the mist becomes streaks of light streaming onto the door. The light beams onto the door from behind me, no through me – yes, through me, and from me.
Still, the door is not open. Have I not finished this initiation? Was it only my imagination, an illusion, or was it my Reality?
I am tired now—tired and ready.
But what am I ready for?
Dearest One,
You are ready to BE me. I am here, just beyond the Violet Doors.