I remember Faerie.
I remember that
the green is greener and
sparkles in the ever present daylight.
Beyond the world of time,
the sun can stay for hours or years
because time is a product of our minds.
In Faerie,
Nature is our Mother.
We protect and care for Her like
humans care for their infants.
We are proud when She gives
birth to a flower and
we mourn the bloom’s
passage into seed.
Then, we alight our hearts to see
the seed take hold and again
become a flower.
Beauty is our essence
and love is impersonal.
In Faerie, we do not love
as humans do.
Humans love in a holding way.
Many of us have chosen
to love humans because they can
return love with a dedication
which we can only feel for Nature.
However, our love is as constant
as the cycles of the Moon,
humans can love dearly for a while
and then —
they don’t.
In Faerie, we are one with each other
and with our Maker.
We realize that
although we may look different
we are like the fingers of a Divine Hand
which directs our every movement.
We never question this hand
nor could we imagine moving without it.
Our thoughts are colors
and our emotions are melodies.
We dance through our life
and warmly anticipate our
next step up the ladder of evolution.
The further up we move,
the more consciously
we interact with mankind.
But, they seldom know us.
In olden days,
shortly after the fall of Atlantis,
we interacted and played with humankind.
But now the veil is heavy indeed
and our lives are not interwoven.
After Atlantis there was a Borderland
where we had a strange mixture of
Faerie and Earth.
Members of our evolution
and of the human evolution
interbred and intermingled.
However, as the human kingdom
fell deeper and deeper into the physical,
our two worlds separated and
Borderland became — no more.
Only in certain sacred areas
is there even a memory of Borderland.
In these special areas,
if one is attuned,
the ethereal memory of the Earth
can transport a willing, open mind
into an intense experience of Faerie.
Through reliving their past on Faerie,
humans can begin to release
their illusion of time.
We await you here in Faerie.
Remember us.
Remember your selves.
You were with us when
you lived in Borderland
and experienced the
oneness of our Soul.
Your wings await you.
try them on!