Excerpts from
Once we have gained the ability to experience our emotions and not repress them, or become trapped in them, we find that our thoughts often push us back into negativity. Then we must allow ourselves to again listen to our Self.
When we were trapped in, or repressing, our emotions it was impossible to hear our thoughts. But, when our emotional body has calmed, our thoughts come to our attention.
Can we choose our thoughts or are they our jailer who thrusts our daily portion before us without asking our opinion? Only when we can listen to the still small voice within can we discriminate between the thoughts that are ours and the thoughts that we have learned, or taken on, from others.
Learning to Think from Inside
She saw the third step before her. She recognized this stairway instantly. It was long and very steep and ran from the parking lot up to her college campus. This is where she began to learn how to master her mind. Her emotions were also strong here and her inner child could not believe that she was “smart enough”. However, the still voice inside told her that she would be successful. She chose to listen to that inner voice through the disappointments and the challenges and returned again and again to climb these stairs.
For, at the top of this stairway, awaited confidence.
Once we have gained the ability to experience our emotions and not repress them, or become trapped in them, we find that our thoughts often push us back into negativity. Then we must allow ourselves to again listen to our Self.
The third chakra represents our thoughts, and the thoughts of others that we “pick up” with our Astral Body. These thoughts are intertwined with our emotions, and the emotions of others. If the emotions are negative then the thoughts are usually obsessive and redundant. We try to “think” our way out of our fear, but instead we end up thinking fearful thoughts. Instead, we need to listen to our thoughts for how can we heal something that we are trying to avoid?
When we first start listening to our thoughts, we may be surprised at how negative they are. We must not judge these thoughts for judgment will only force them deeper underground. Instead, we must try to listen “through” the thoughts to find the “thinker”.
As she listened inside her mind
she realized that
a crowd of ideas
was trying to confuse her.
Worries, calculations,
promises, and dreams
were constantly echoing about
in the inner recesses
of her brain.
How could she still
this crowd of ideas?
How could she center
herself in the midst
of a mental hurricane?
Where had this
storm come from?
Had she not listened
to herself before or
was all this “noise” new?
No, she suspected
it had always been there,
but she had been too busy
listening to the noise without
to hear the noise within.
Well, now, she could hear it.
Now, she knew it was there.
But how could she master it?
She knew she could not
control the outside voices,
but she must learn to calm
the buzz within.
Did she need to listen to
the many cries within,
or ignore them as
a mother may ignore
a spoiled child’s
repeated demands?
And where was she?
Somewhere within
that inner circus
must be her Self.
Somewhere amongst the
clowns and elephants
there must be a ringmaster.
But where?
Hearing the Self
When we have found the “self” that is frightened and alone, we become empowered. For if we are listening to our self, then WHO are we?
I walk along the shore
seemingly alone.
However, I feel
a presence with me
that I wish
I could feel in the city.
The presence is the ocean,
or perhaps, it is
just the water.
There is something
alive there,
vibrating and moving
with a freedom
I wish was my own.
If only my thoughts could move
as melodiously as the sea.
If only they could
roll and pitch
One thought gracefully
moving away
so that the next one
can enter.
Each thought reaching its peak
and slowly, steadily
moving towards its close
on the sands of my mind.
Yes, often my thoughts
are stormy
and often they are gray.
And, yes, the storms do clear –
Then the calm pitch and roll returns,
for a while.
But now,
as I walk by the ocean,
I feel a presence,
an alive feeling,
an awake calmness.
Can I take this feeling with me?
When we have taken the responsibility for listening to our thoughts, we can begin to choose them. We can choose to have positive, calm thinking or we can choose obsessive, fearful thinking. With practice, we can learn to think nothing at all. Then we can really listen-listen to the “Eye of the Infinite”.
Away from the burdens and
responsibilities of everyday life
you can find the time
to look deep into
the Eye of the Infinite.
Take a long time now to realize
that the promise
and serenity of all life
can be the foundation for
each and every action.
Be still, first within yourself,
and then you will learn
to be still within the world.
If you are not still
you cannot listen.
And if you cannot listen
you will not hear.
So listen now.
Listen to the small voice
who encourages and
directs your every
thought, feeling, and movement.
Allow this inner voice
to protect you from within
so that your armor of
fear and distrust
can be released.
The shell falls from the nut
so that the sweet fruit
within can be revealed
and enjoyed.
The shell was needed
while the seed was ripening.
But, if the shell does not crack
at the appropriate time
its protection will hinder the
release of the seed.
The seed is indeed frightened
to face the world
without its protective
However, if it can remember
that it is not just a seed,
but an infant tree,
its courage will be renewed.
And what kind of tree are you
and how many fruit
shall you bear?
Allow the shell to fall.
As it does,
know that even then,
you shall be but a hint
of your future Self.
Therefore, be not attached
to the shell, or the seed,
or even the tree
to which the seed shall grow.
The process of evolution
is infinite and each
stage of development is
a victory, a death and,
a new beginning.
Only when we have learned to hear our Self can we gather its wisdom and direction. When we use our creative force to act upon this direction, we can ground the wisdom our Self into our mundane life. It is in this way that we can learn to BE our SELF in our everyday world.
Behold my one,
the hour of completion is upon you.
Be cheerful
because I AM with you.
Be grateful
because I AM loving.
Be conscious
because I AM awake.
The fire in the small pit appeared
to be extinguished.
However, beneath the rubble of the old,
hid the fresh beginnings of the new.
Only a few pieces of fresh wood
and a small breeze were needed to ignite it.
To mourn the death of the old
is to deny the birth of the new.
Rather than mourn—rejoice.
For the new is unknown,
and not yet manifest.
Therefore, it is free.
For only in that
which has not yet begun
is the infinite freedom
of that which shall