The third door is marked: THOUGHTS
You go to the door and knock.
A message is displayed:
Unconscious thoughts evoke behavior based on past pain and old negative programming.
Our thoughts are out of control and without focus as negative and obsessive thinking overtakes our free will. Out-of-control thinking reinforces our feeling of being a victim. Problem-oriented thinking creates a downward spiral with no hope of resolution. Unbidden thoughts come into our mind, which punish us with old core beliefs about the inadequacy of our being.
Our thoughts make us feel separate from everyone and everything and limit us from achieving our desires. Therefore, our moral principles and codes of right and wrong are debased to a state of war with the world around us. We give ourselves permission to do anything because we are separate from society. However, we are all “herd animals” and soon find another “society” where using drugs and alcohol, having “fun”, and “doing whatever we want”, rules. However, before we know it, our choices turn to addictions, and we again find ourselves Out of Control.
The third chakra best exemplifies the Thoughts Door because it represents our own thoughts, that is our conscious AND unconscious thoughts, as well as the emotionally laced thoughts of others that are perceived by our Astral Body. Thoughts, and the words and actions that are initiated by those thoughts, is the core of our Power, whether it be our “power over” others or our “power within” our self.
The lesson of the third chakra is: if we can gain “power over” ourselves we will feel our “power within”. Then we will not be a victim to anyone else’s “power over” us, nor will we feel the need to have “power over” another. Power then becomes something that we have, not something that we use.